AVCon (Saturday) Selection of Shots, originally uploaded by
K! So I did actually go -- MUAHHAHAAAA! -- and I'm thoroughly and completely broken today. BUT IT WAS WORTH IT! :D :D I had a great time and getting out of the house was CHOICE and Jo was gorgeous and MANDY WON THE LOLITA SECTION OF THE LOLITA/JAPANESE STREET FASHION PARADE!
GO GO MANDY! *high fives her awesome*
Poor Dave, his day mostly consisted of lolita talk/doll talk/girly fashion talk/girly anime talk because he was hanging around with the four of us because HE WAS FEELING OUT OF PLACE! *laughs* You KNOW something is up when Dave of all people is feeling out of place at an anime and gaming convention. Apparently the guys were all "ZOMG DID YOU SEE MA MASSIVE FRAG!?" and shit like that. Extreme lawls. XD
Jo was hilarious and awesome in the Lolita Panel: her phone never rings so she didn't turn it off an LO! Of course thats when her phone rings. So she hung up on it, two seconds later it rang again so she answered it in front of everyone "Hi, I'm doing a panel right now so when I hang up on you that MEANS don't call back *click*" to which the entire lecture theatre erupted in applause. XD XD
Juanita and her Mum took me home in their 4WD - yay! - so she could check out my BJDs and then I CRASHED HARRRRRDD...! XD
But yeah, the 20 shots in this flickr round up is
about half the photos I took -- took all the entrants to the Lolita/Japanese Fashion Parade for example -- although I didn't get enough shots of all the random cosplayers OR of Jo *pouts.* I got lots of photos of PARTS of Jo *laughs*
While we were in the vendor halls I spotted a capsule machine and screamed out ZOMG MA WEAKNESS!! But Jo assured me (lol we kept assuring each other of falsehoods! XD) that there were only lame boy capsule things there. But on the way out of the hall I was all NUUU I SEE HELLO KITTY!!! And so dumped in a $2 coin -- which the machine promptly ate! NUUU!! I pouted at the guy who was in control and he came and fixed it for me -- and wouldn't you know it? Out of a possible selection of 12 Hello Kitty Birthstone Angels, I managed to get the pink one. BWAHAHAAA! OWNAGE! :D