☂ ☃ ☀ Farmer Wants a Wife: Day Two
Sims 2: Reality TV Challenge
Rules and Set Up can be found @ New Challenge:
Farmer Wants a Wife (or Husband, or Partner, whatever)
Read the Prologue »»
Day One
Day Two: Gone Fishing What's Cookin'?
As the household reels (well actually, breathes a collective sigh of relief) from the elimination of evening one; the contestents get settled in for the night, wondering what Day Two and their first set of real surprise challenges would bring.
Completely starved as they'd both skipped lunch to have their rather long conversation in du Fermier's en suite, Cupcake fixes a midnight snack for the both of them. Nervous about seeming forward, however, she cooks & serves enough for everyone in the house hold, just in case. Her nervousness however, does not extend to covering up at all and wanders about in her floral one-piece, fresh from her rejuvinating sauna and squealing-exploits in the snow.
du Fermier: Can you believe the gall of of that Banquet woman?! She actually cornered me to ask about my preferences in industrial strength lube. Was she planning on greasing up a herd of cattle? And THEN insinuated wanting to lock me in a basement as a gimp for the term of my natural life!
Cupcake: *trying to contain her extreme elation at the fact that du Fermier's fingers keep brushing up against hers*
'Twas a night of eviction, and all through the house...
... Not a creature was stirring...
...Except for Tiffany the Garden Club rep who just WILL NOT LEAVE. OR if she does its for about ten minutes and then she's back taking full advantage of the jet streams >_>;;
That movie with Ryan Reynolds, Coming Soon, springs to mind... LOOK AT THAT BLISSFUL FACE. LOOK AT IT! *shudder*
Not even 24 hours had passed and the dishwasher is ALREADY broken and smoking everywhere. WTH?!?! O_O;; What on earth were they doing to it?? Poor casualty of war, 'twas not prepared for such a great undertaking.
*hangs head in respect*
*moment of silence*
Blackforest and Pistachio are terrifyingly early risers. At five fifteen on the dot the pair of them rise and giggle at their synchronous body clocks (and their apparent chalk and cheese taste in sleepwear). Though they seem congenial and excited about their shared joke, Blackforest's overly cheery morning demeanor has a lot more to do with the fact that she's taken in Pistachio's vintage (classy, yet in her eyes distinctly virginially prudish) silk pajamas and is confident of crushing her underfoot.
Guess what ladies? First up means you get to clean up and prepare breakfast for everyone else. Bet you're wishing you were lazy lay-abouts now, eh?
The other girls moan about the early hour but refuse to be outdone and get up themselves -- this IS a farm afterall and cows need milking at dawn. Not that du Fermier even owns any cows... All except Cupcake who sat up talking with du Fermier until 5am. The other girls just think she's a super lazy, heavy sleeper. CUPCAKE WIN!
On bed-making duty (wth why won't they make their own beds?) Pistachio takes in the hot-pink bunny slippers on her fairy-floss haired fellow contestant and siezes the opportunity to see just how much of a crazy anime cliche Marshmallow REALLY is.
Pistachio: Marshie? Have you had much experience with Sumos?
Marshmallow: ARMAGAD I ADORE SUMO WRESTLING? Don't you just love their little silken Mawashi? I sewed one one once for my favourite wrestler, I embroidered cherry blossoms and kittens on it, so much work -- they're 30 feet long, BUT SO KAWAII!!!! He wore it in a demonstration match on national television, my nosebled for a week!
Marshmallow: *squealing ++*
*head desk* Marshmallow. Knowledge sim honey. KNOWLEDGE SIM.
Blackforest serves breakfast for all the girls and Cupcake is noted absentee. Their speculation of her sitting up all night sneaking computer games (apparently her Jetman score is so big) and therefore completely cocking up her chances at winning seems to make sense with all of them -- and causes a few of them extreme delight. That du Fermier does not make a breakfast appearance seems to not even register on any of their radars -- they didn't even serve him a plate O_O.
Later conversation reveals that the early-morning five all assumed that they'd be pre-warned of a shared breakfast with their prize trophy, host and so had opted for simple cereal and didn't gussy up before coming to the breakfast table. If he was going to be showing up would they all be wearing diamonds, dirnking champagne and serving Lobster Thermidor? O_O;;
A farmer's wife must be good in the outdoors. The first challenge of the day is to go work in the green house fertilizing all of the available plots. Though all knowing FULL WELL that they would be working on a farm, (not to mention that the aim would be to MARRY the farmer and therefore be doing this kind of work every day;) some of the women choose ... interestingly elegant clothing to brave the bracing weather and handle decomposed animal excrement.
Though she skipped breakfast, Cupcake does make a punctual and suprisingly cheerful appearance to the first set task. She's cause for great consternation when her speed and accuracy at plot fertilisation outstrips the efforts of the other girls.
The potential in her skills for other pursuits escapes no one.
And thusly, though Marshmallow attempts to be inclusive, Cupcake is left out of the post-challenge unwind. Characteristically, she doesn't even notice is just delighted to run around in the ankle-deep snow squealing at the antics of the others.
Bless her little cotton socks. ♥
Society debutantes sporting several thousand simolean fur-lined and trimmed co-ordinates in a winter wonderland, playing hacky: LOL.
As a choice of meals are prepared for lunch to replenish the contestant's strength for the afternoon challenges, the conversation turns to the lunch music mix currently ambiently filling the room from the communal computer.
Cupcake: *singing along* ♫ I like lips and eyes and mouth and smooth soft skin ♫ Eeeee! I love Pussy Town! This one of my all time favourite songs!
Strawberry: It's the bomb! I could NEVER tire of Machine Gun Fellatio. *winks at du Fermier*
du Fermier: *has trouble breathing*
Marshmallow: *coughs* SO! About that local sports team..! *sparkle*
Tiramisu: *has excessive love for Marshie* ++
Tiramisu's love for Marshmallow gets a bit of a kicking, however, after she's forced to endure another of her 'rousing' recitals. Yeah, Tiramisu, tell us how you really feel.
The evening's challenge time fast approaching, du Fermier thematically decides to begin preparing the evening meal (a family recipe involving slow cooking a tomato sauce until whole tomatoes become a concentrated sauce). Hoping to impress, his major motivation has of course nothing to do with a hope of continued ... musical oriented conversation.
Day Two's challenge was supposed to involve a marathon fishing day to ease the contestents into their environment and test their mettle in the great outdoors. However, as the lake had unexpectedly frozen over it had become impossible for this to take place. Not wanting to give the girls frostbite fishing through holes cut in the ice, Day Two's out door challenge was therefore replaced with the more indoor oriented one planned for Day Three: Cooking Study.
Tiramisu and Marshmallow quickly down several espresso shots to get their neurons firing at optimal levels. During the course of their coffee, Tiramisu discloses that she's always thought Jane Austen to be a complete hack. Then for reasons Marshmallow can only fathom as a ghoulish attempt to exacerbate her horror, her full-lipped companion goes on to debate the finer points of the latest Stephen King and enquires if she subscribes to the SpookyLamp™ plus DiabolicalFountainPen™ OTP.
The official challenge commencement signal releases a rush of jubiliant, relief-induced endorphins that grants her more of an edge than any amount of caffeine.
TIME TO STUDY! The girls start their three hour intensive cooking study session. Whoever has the most cooking points at the end of the three hours will have a definite advantage over the others when elimination time rolls around. Mindful that every moment counts, the girls hit the books; all except Cupcake who is distracted by a cluster of novels on teh shelf below the cookbooks.
Taking in du Fermier's fabulous (albeit quite pretentious) personal selection including HG Wells, Lewis Carrol, Neil Gaiman & Douglas Adams; Cupcake is delighted to see the most-dog eared well-loved is her also her personal favourite and plucks it from the shelves choosing salacious fiction over study: no matter how much in her favour the latter at this point would prove.
The cooking challenge over, du Fermier accosts Blackforest in the first of his scheduled interactions for the evening: to share his interests and then indulge in a quick gossip session.
du Fermier: *bashful* I... Really like daisies..?
Blackforest: Well... Daisies are an under-rated flower...
du Fermier: You think so!? *elation*
Cupcake excitedly exited the hot tub a little TOO enthusiastically for their conversation, and whatever they gossiped about made her eyes roll back into her head in visible ecstasy. Or she was suffering from mild hypothermia. Likely both.
Marshmallow was much more quietly discreet, though elicited an earthier laugh that anyone could think possible from one so candy pink and frilly.
While he went on to discuss politics, literature and broadway musicals with the other girls, Cupcake shoo-ed everyone from the hot tub and disguised her already flushed complexion by turning up its temperature settings and relaxing back in unmistakeable bliss.
du Fermier: ... and there's something INFINITELY wrong with the word 'connexion.' Can you believe any self respecting editor allowing that kind of spelling be used - frequently I might add - in a PUBLISHED work? Not even a frothy historical rom com deserves to feature those kinds of atrocities.
Pistachio: *taken aback by the prospect of du Fermier having ever read a rom com* I cannot say I've ever actually spent any time meditating on that subject... But really, if its acceptable dictonary spelling then how can it be classified as an atrocity?
du Fermier: *swiftly closes the bathroom door* You're on crack, Lady!
But a few quiet words and a knowing smile seem all it takes to wipe away any lasting damage.
du Fermier: *sings Strawberry his rendition of 'A Whole New World'*
Strawberry: *instantly grows interest in Disney inspired musical theatre*
du Fermier is talking about safety again, Tiramisu is more than delighted and just that little bit coy. Marshmallow's rolling her eyes and sighing wearily. Two guesses on what they were talking about first.
The state of world economic affairs, what else?
Sitting alone in front of the big screen tv, thinking no one was watching, Blackforest freaks out and has an entirely unprovoked tantrum. Chemical imbalance? Pet peeve about people being apparently incapable of returning books to the bookshelves? Or is she simply worried that now its tally and eviction time that she's put herself out of the running with that daisy conversation which surely, to her eyes, must've been a test which she failed with epic proportions.
...And the results are:
SURPRISING UPSET! Previous leader, Blackforest did indeed lose her hold on first position, falling back down to third - a place she shares with Tiramisu. Cupcake's evening with du Fermier seems to have upped her positioning excessively, so even the fact that she completely blew off the afternoon challenge she sits in a comfortable second position. Though as we've already seen anything can happen to knock a contestant from their pedastal.
It seems, no matter how enamoured Strawberry was of du Fermier's penetrating baritone, and how much he seemed smitten with her the day before, not even vigilant cooking study in the challenge was enough to save her and its time to pack her bags and leave the Farmstead for good.
As one might've guessed, the raven-haired pixie-face is none-too pleased about leaving the house so soon,
And the rest of the household, consumed with both shock and relief, run to see her off amongst hugs, a few tears, and promises to keep in touch.
Strawberry's parting words: I'll miss the girls, but in the end I don't really think farmlife or du Fermier's prudishness is really for me. It was an enlightening experience, but I guess some people though they might react favourably don't actually appreciate frankness deep down. I'm sure he'll be very happy with his socialite trained for discretion, raising champion thoroughbreds and horsey, seen-but-not-heard children...
Day two's frozen lake and threw the contestant elimination schedule out of whack and even with a largely uneventful day the girls' positions on the leaderboard have already altered in interesting and very unexpected ways. What will day three, its challenges and interactions bring?
Production notes:
• OH DEAR LORD I AM A TOTAL NOOB. *laughs* I realised after I started that I'd set this challenge up in Riverblossom... and as everyone knows, Riverblossom has TWO WINTERS and no summer. SO, Frozen lake was totally frozen. >_<;;; Oh yeah, I R SMRT.
• Cupcake and Strawberry's conversation about MGF could possibly be a conversation I had with endalia. Verbatim.
lemon_lime35 wanted me to say that the challenge commencement bell released cheese ("RELEASE THE CHEEEEEEEEESE! Liberons le fromage!!!") and not endorphins. This caused the four of us in chat at the time to begin planning the future cheese revolution in which cheese would frolic free of its opressors and run wild in fields of wheat and orchards of quince. Okay maybe I made the last bit up but we DID scream a lot about liberating cheeses in french.
• OH MY GOD. Okay so if you're going to do this challenge? Make sure you have atleast four bookshelves in the house. I attempted it once with just one bookshelf. ULTIMATE FAIL! They all got in each others way and got pissed at each other and none of them picked out a book at all. So I quickly bought three more book cases and THEN told them all to study and it worked. GOD >_<;;; Well, all except Cupcake who decided the bookcases were all too pretty and then decided to just read instead of study stuff. WOMAN WTH DON'T YOU KNOW YOU'RE THE FAVOURITE?!?! GOD! I totally thought she was OUT right then and there and cried for a week. Well okay pouted excessively until elimination was worked out. XD
• thankies to
niostang &
deasilvae for letting me pick their brains about their favourite books. Oh, and to
moonlapse especially with putting up with me laughing at his pretentious selection. ♥ Hey? Atleast I knew EXACTLY who wrote and what book it was right? It's not like my top three are at all literature holy grails. *cracks up*
• WHY is it whenever du Fermier talks to Blackforest, his conversations are always SO GAY?! He seriously talked about daisies the whole time. THE WHOLE TIME. *slaps him upside the head* + That tanty she had? I HAVE NO FREAKEN CLUE WHAT THAT WAS ABOUT. She just sat on the couch and started yelling and making fists for no particular reason I could see. O_O;;
• I'd been stressing about what the heck the convo between Pistachio and du Fermier was -- I had a solid idea when I screenied which I promptly forgot. Then a conversation with moonlapse -- well okay less of a conversation, more of a me screaming about the english language and him laconically replying with a single sentence which encouraged further righteous rage from me -- made me abandon all need to come up with something and simply steal my own tirade. XD Although my tirade included more stabbing people in faces.
• *cries* They constantly talk about money and safes. WHY!? WHY ALL THE TIME WHY?! Its getting a bit of chore making up conversations using the same speech bubbles as a front.