Mar 18, 2007 16:10

Because I'm deep in it at the moment. XD

BJD Type


Abigale Benedict
SD13 Kun girl
Originally was supposed to be an SD10 XD
ED #30

Victor Gideon
SD13 Tony
HAHAHAA Omg how many different iterations did he go through before I found the one!? XD
ED # 32
Dark brown/Natural black

although possibly pending new faceup... MAYBE XD

Zachariah Benedict
SD13 Kun boy
Normal legs so he's much shorter than Gideon, around the same height-ish as Abi and FULLOFANGST™ Hehehee Originally was going to be long-legged sunlight skin which is why I don't have him already. Although the sunlight skin idea is gaining thought again...

?? ED 39/14??

Or the same as Abi? or #31?

Dark peni/dark carrot/dark red/dark brown mixes
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God who knows when this will happen. >_<;; He was going to be next after Gabe in '07 and be the only doll I got this year besides one for mum. OUT DA WINDEE MUN!

Georgia Benedict
YoSD Anne
These two were never in the original plan, but Jo came over with Georgia when she wasn't Georgia and I died with want XD Gabe was going to be Piccolo until I saw Kuuta. Mmmm Kuuta.
Green glass

Kuuta still to arrive, and probably pending faceup

Gabriel Benedict
YoSD Kuuta
Grey glass

Matilda "Lottie" Jones
SD10 School B girl
Was originally supposed to be all tall and sd13 girl who only wore heels... XD Wow, did that plan ever change COMPLETELY XD -- Depending on whether or not I keep the school b head (give her to mum, sell her, prolly wont sell though) she may be changed to a modified f08 -- modded to look more like aya. Otherwise the modded f08 might be another char...
ED#12 -- might change them to either 16 or 17 though...
Blonde/dirty blonde

Off having a face up with Shuui right now. I'm either going to keep her or go with the aya idea and pass her on to Mum.. Not sure!

Owen (I forget his last name XD)
SD10 School A boy
He had been solidified as an SD10 Michele, and was originally going to be Syo and I was going to have like 40 of him. Man that plan totally was shot apart with many multiple shotguns...
honey blonde/milk brown
[Head Aquired]

No body yet. Off having a face up with Shuui right now

Emma Hodgekiss
SD13 BW F01 girl
Formerly named Eisadora. Had been Musedoll Ciel except that that head mould is WAY TOO SMALL NEXT TO ABI *weeps bitterly* Then I seriously considered Anais, but I want her to be whiteskin so thats out unless I win the lottery. *hangs head* Now BW F01 just speaks to me <333
ED #6? Or maybe thin orange zouks..?
pure white/milk
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SD13 School A/Lucas etc boy
I'm thinking School A though. Still don't know his name. Will be brother to Owen, will be tall dark and handsome. Hehe GOTTA love that cliche <3

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Maximillion (no last name yet)
SD13 Heath boy
Japanese punk style boy! <3333 I WANTS! <33333 Mmm delicious heaths
ED #24
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SD13 Emma boy
Still not 100% on this plan... But he's a GREAT IDEA <3333

Weakness Kun #1
Whiteskin Kun F-22
I'm trying to fight this. I am. But as their stand-in names suggest, I AM WEAK. Omg could you imagine a Sweet Dreams Whiteskin Kun?! OMG! <3333333333333

Weakness Kun #2
Sunlightskin F-22

Dollie For Mum
SD10 Emma
Still not 100% on the sculpt for this plan, but thats what I have for her. Pending on what happens in the march dollpa and volks website restock.... I'm thinking either a kun or an SD10 four sisters. No eyelashes, velcro on wig, and short amelie-esque wig to not interfere with mum's clothing styling. Jokes on me if she wants a boy! XD


Plan currently is to give her the Emma head on matilda's body and get another new body for matilda later on.

Doesn't include the idea of latis... XD I still not so secretly harbour wants for them, Coco, sleeping Coco and now I'm all OooOooh Lumi! >_<;; XD

owen, wish list, abigale, georgia, bjd, dollfie, matilda, gideon, want list, emma, gabe, characters, zach, eisadora

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