Random random randomages.

Mar 18, 2007 12:35

  1. The end of Anger Management is WTF? Well I guess that whole film is WTF, but um.. Huh? Everyone singing "I feel pretty" together in the park, end credits. Uh. WHUT?
  2. Parabanks is a WEIRD PLACE TO TRY AND GET TO O_O;; And their streets defy convention, also road maps.
  3. $300 is a stupid price for a red hair dye job.
  4. Good friends rock the world. As long as you've got them, then who cares where you are or what you're up to, it'll be good. Even driving to random suburbs and getting hopelessly lost, TWICE! XD
  5. Having your friends use your bathroom for OPERATION HQ! And randomly call you in for various emergencies is hilarious and full of win.
  6. Knowing people appreciate your skills in various fields of your expertise and therefore ask for your help, opinions is really satisfying. I knew that already but its been happening a lot this week.
  7. There's nothing on tv at 12:43pm on a Sunday. I WANT MORE DOCOS, or atleast a decent period drama... PLZKTHX!
  8. Tandau, desert fresh. Is anyone else seeing a flaw in the reasoning behind having apricot orchards in the middle of the desert of Australia? I mean its better than the cotton that they used to have out there water-wise, but... O_O;;
  9. MUST FINISH COMMISSIONS AND FREELANCE! I need da shiny rocks. Also, its personally rewarding, so JUST GET THEM DONE NETT!
  10. I've been heamorrhaging money that I don't have on bjds lately. Have to stop and recoup some funds, especially as whenever I sink myself into the hobby deeply it emphasies my other hobbies and I end up desperately wanting to heamorrage money on cameras and lenses and more fabric and trim. The three hobbies fit so wholly together that its hard to not want to indulge in all of them all the time.
  11. Oh yeah.. So.. I got a perm... ^_^
  12. HELP ME I JOINED GAIA! XD My username is kamikazemonkeypantqueen. Look me up and let me know who you are! IMMA NOOB! *hugs jtph_jo
  13. Canadians? See? You guys have too much water! ;) XD
  15. Time for a nap! :D

perm, water, friends, australia, film, dye, sleep, hair, sewing, bjd, movies, dollfie, red, commission, random

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