Can SOMEONE please explain all the 'heroine addict' elljay icons floating about? I've seen a bunch of Nicolle Kidman and now today I saw one of
Scarlett Johanssen. WHATDOESITMEAN?!
Is it just me, or (
is this a little bit too self-righteous for anyone's tastes> )
Seriously not that hard to prove you got the wrong fabric, poor baby has to get up off her arse and do something and seriously i use to work exclusively with people who ran small business. It does not make you smarter, it just makes you more self righteous XD
Really really want to comment.. >< dammit.
Way too much self-righteousness for 7:30am in the morning (which is when I read it!).
The bit that gets me the most is the people who are supporting her and screaming BOYCOTT! O_O;;
and you're most welcome. I'm glad you're enjoying it.
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