And a Fartie-Motorbike-Good-Morning to You too!

Dec 01, 2006 09:44

Can SOMEONE please explain all the 'heroine addict' elljay icons floating about? I've seen a bunch of Nicolle Kidman and now today I saw one of Scarlett Johanssen. WHATDOESITMEAN?!


Is it just me, or '> is this a little bit too self-righteous for anyone's tastes?

I can't see why this person is so offended, I also can't see why they can't spend 10 minutes of their time helping the company to fix the problem - especially as its in everyone's best interests. They obviously spent more time than that actually looking around on the site to find what they wanted and placing the order already -- will it kill them to be helpful instead of high-and-mighty?

I really can't understand this attitude, in this situation its the same as if the person called up a shop that they walked into and claimed that they were given the wrong fabric at the checkout and would they post them their money back because they don't have time to come into the shop and show the fabric in question.



On the subject of fabric, OOOH LOOKIT THE PRETTIES.


On the subject of pretties: STEAM PUNK STELLA ARTOIS!!!

I rock out at the ball bearing challenge. XD

'Tis a grand achievement :D


On the subject of grand achievements, I GOT MY PROGRESS PHOTOS FROM POOKIE TODAY! Well, she sent them at 2am this morning and I've spent the last two hours articulating my excitement to her. *cracks up*

I really want to post the in-progress shots but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to or if I even should until they come home and get posted as a whole package...

Its snowing and raining in South Korea at the moment though so I'm not sure when I get the victims-of-the-french-revolution back. Fingers crossed before we have to light a yule log, cause, you know, its hot here and we might all die of self-inflicted heat exposure before they return! *gasp!*


Man, I am boring this morning. XD

ebay, abigale, georgia, bjd, elljay, crack, steampunk, dollfie, fabric, pookie, boring, icon, faceup

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