WTF? I liked Wolfmother?

Apr 26, 2006 19:40

KK! Brisbane-picspam-so-i-can-put-other-things-in-my-elljay (even though I already have, shhhh) part one & two... ARE HERE! :D

Day One:

Where we got up WAY too early and ripped a dimensional portal in space and time

After getting up at a ridiculous time of the morning, and breaking all laws of space, time and dimensional flux (Qudsia got to the airport 15 minutes BEFORE ME! O_O) we were greeted at the airport by the delicious Bec, and while we waited to get everything together, I spotted this sign in the Airport. Its SUPPOSED to be all graffitied, thats part of the ad. BUT WHAT THE HECK?! What is it supposed to mean? Its clearly NOT clear and whatever message they're trying to get across is utterly lost. You haven't really lost anyone at all, there's some cute pink graffiti on your poster.. Whats your point, Siebel?

When we got back to Bec's DELICIOUS house (I swear I felt like we were in a movie set house the whole visit. FABULOUS) we veged out and chatted for about five hours just relaxing and getting our wind up to go shopping. Hehe. This involved hanging out and getting to see the glorious Lady Vladivostock again! Awww kitty! She's SO BIG NOW! Although just as eccentric and drugs-orientated.

Later on that evening Qudsi accused us all of having loose morals since I sorta.. sprayed half of her special stuff with catnip and got the poor little thing REALLY HIGH! Poor Lady saw her own reflection in the oven window, something she has done SO many times before, but because she was so high on catnip she thought it was another cat and FROZE and her tail got SOOOO BIIIIIIG!! And we couldn't talk her down...

Out shopping in the evening, we spotted these ibis EVERYWHERE! They're like pigeons only native and WAY SCARIER. They should reshoot the birds with ibis instead. I don't care if they prefer hungry jacks chips to people (this one sampled the left over fries and chips from kfc, maccas AND hungry jacks before settling on the HJ's XD) they're still so mobby and scary looking with their hook beaks.

Weirdly I saw NO cane toads out and about in Queensland, but Ibis? HOLY CRAP!!

Day Two:


So on the Thursday my friend Riah came to usurp me for 24 hours or so, and take me around the Gold Coast which is where she lives and what she's most familiar with. But in the morning while waiting for her to come get me I ran around taking snaps of Bec's house. Like I said, its gorgeous. This is the upstairs front balcony that looks onto the street and opens up from their bedroom. Oh yes, I can hear your jealousy seething out of your ears in large, green gelatinous globs now! ;) :D

Riah took me to her favourite thai restaurant for lunch. ONLY THEY'D TEMPORARILY CLOSED! How rude. XD Some over-eager employee of the place insisted on taking this very shakey photo of the two of us on the seats outside, however.

At the entrance to the restaurant were these AWESOME giant lions. There was also a whole bunch of other water sculptures and such, it was very impressive and just rang with a great funky vibe even though there was no one there. These imposing statues, however, became SO comical to me when I realised that...


So anyway we parked near the beach and went in search of 'Ridley's Believe It Or Not,' Hog's Breath Cafe and the Hard Rock Cafe. Couldn't resist taking a picturesque ZOMGMOREIBIS photo though ;)

As we drove around I swear I snapped about 921032039 photos of the high rises along the gold coast, with the great dusk light coupled with the humidty, everything just seemed so pretty. As she noticed me taking all these architectural shots Riah decided to take me to...

THIS PLACE! Q1, the tallest residential building in the world. Ground to the 77th floor in the lifts takes 22seconds. I swear no man nor woman should have to get into a lift that goes up AND DOWN at that speed. You just don't feel safe. Are you freefalling? YOU DON'T KNOW!

But the building and the trial that was the elevator ride has an amazing payoff. And that is the architecture and how glorious it is, and the view. You can see all along the gold coast, and when the surf is high its got to be one of the most picturesque spots out there.

I rest my case. ^_^

Meanwhile, when I am shooting hundreds of pics of gold coast architecture, eating in odd locations (LOL WHOLE OCTOPUS!), pretending I'm a guest at the Gaultier Hotel, and buying a gorgeous brocade jacket; Qudsi, Erik & Bec (along with Bec's friend Monni) were out in the magical, fabulous world of Ikea. Eating swedish meatballs and molesting plushie hearts...

On the Thursday night, Riah took me out to dinner at her favourite Restaurant, Mermaids. ONLY SHE HAD NEVER EATEN THERE BEFORE! We ordered the kingfish and the octopus and planned to share them. When they arrived the kingfish was served sauted rare with pinapple juice to aid digestion, and the octopus was three connected tentacles arranged artfully in a coil with salad. Riah BAULKED! *laughs* She wouldn't eat the fish (it was glorious btw) and even though the Octopus was divine (and tasted like steak, oddly) she could only stomach a little bit of it before she couldn't handle it anymore. Trust me it was WORTH the $40 to watch her face and her whole body squirm at the idea of putting it in her mouth, and her squealing fits at any suckers that came off and lay by themselves on the plate.

THEN she got it into her head that eating the octopus tentacles was exactly like eating penis. And couldn't do it anymore. Disturbingly, but I guess unsurprisingly, that didn't phase me in the least...

brisbane, octopus

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