Aug 28, 2004 00:57
So, today was fun. Walked around and packed for a lil bit after I got up. Jeff came and got me around 1. We had much fun after that. Went to pick up James as usual. Quality Jeff & Sam time came after that. Jeff dropped me off at home around 4:45 cuz he had work at 5. We started moving (finally) like around 5:15 or 5:30. Got most of the boxes moved within 2 hours. Left the new house to get the boys some food at Bueno. By then it was like 7:30 so I told Bryan just take me to Arby's cuz I was just gonna wait for Jeff to get off. So, they sent Jeff home early because well... let's just say he wasn't feeling too good. Anyways, after scaring the shit out of me, he left and came back up to get me and sell a girl a knife. So then we went to Blockbuster and they threw a fit about something or another, so we just left. I felt like shit and like throwing up all over the place, it sucked bad. So we went back to Jeff's house and he was like okay here is the plan, we are free for the rest of the night BUT we had to do something first. We HAD to take a ride in his dad's BRAND NEW truck. I can't remember what it is dammit. But damn it's like a F-150 and it's sooooo smooth and it had that new car smell that smelled yummy. So we drove around for 45 minutes and chilled with his dad and his little brother. After that we went up to watch Police Academy 2. That finished and we just sat there. It was FUCKING FREEZING IN HIS ROOM. LIKE LITERALLY, IT WAS 10 DEGREES IN THERE. Holy shit. So that was fun. Then we left (lil late) and went to Sonic to see if they were still open (apparently they close at midnight). They weren't so we went to Jack In the Box. Had a serious talk along the way, not gonna say what about though. He knows. It took a lot of courage from me to admit to what I said to him, so I hope he respects me for that. I think I brought something out of him too. I liked what he had to say ^_~ Love ya. Anyways so serious of convo that he hit the curb and scared the shit out of both of us! LOL LOL sooooo funnie. Anyways so now I'm dead tired, smelly as hell, and all alone because the boys left. Tomorrow might not post because I have work from 10:15-1:30. Then after that I am moving some more, then I have to stop moving to get ready for that thing with Jeff and his family (I'M SOOOOOOO NERVOUS STILL) So I don't know when I'll be home, maybe I'll just stay the night at Jeff's... lol Leave some love