Bah, damn P.M.S.

Aug 27, 2004 00:40

So, today rocked everything. Literally, everything. It was the best day I've had in awhile. So, I got up around 9:30 to start packing the kitchen. Sooo I did that, no big deal. Jeff came and got me around 1, and I pissed mom off. Meh. We went to the bank so he could deposit some cash, and then we went back to his house. Chilled for awhile. Fun stuff. Then went to pick up James from school. Jeff went to Sonic, because I said I was hungry, but then right when we got there, Bryan called and my mom bitched at me for awhile. So, after that I was all upset and wasn't hungry anymore. So we just got drinks. Then we went back to Jeff's so that James could buy a knife. Then we went to drop off James, and major chillage time came after that. We had fun. Not gonna post what happened. But Jeff knows (not like that fuckers). Then Bryan came over and pissed me off. Then Jeff's dad yelled at him about something and we went to go get his speakers. Then I made Jeff do what his dad told him and weedeat the yard. So he did that right fast and we went out to dinner (Quizno's) yummy. So, we ate then went back to the house for more chill time. Started the Breakfast Club again. yay good movie. Then stopped it and sat in the dark for awhile. Pretty awesome. He dropped me off at home, and I called him later on. Bryan had his first alcoholic drink today yay him. Start moving tomorrow. Still nervous about the thing on Saturday. BUT I SWEAR I WILL MAKE YOU DANCE. Like a fool. ^_^ Well, tomorrow will be busy. Jeff I hope I'm important enough to see you and Andrew, I hope I see you soon! Love all ya'll and Jeff hopefully tomorrow will be like today. ^_~ Love ya'll lots and leave some love for me.

And Jeff don't forget: Awww that's so cute.. no, it's hardcore..... ^_^
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