Nov 24, 2009 12:11
My blood tests came back today and guess what????
I am perfectly well! Nothing. Not one bit out of norm. Issn't that great. My doctor thinks I was just overworked *shrugs*
my back is still hurting but the physical therapy is helping a lot. Yesterday I stabbed my foot and now I can hardly walk. Damn it. Most accidents happens at home. *Laugh*
I hope you are all fine. I am counting the days to work again. I've seen Twilight New Moon three times now. And god...Jacob Black - as young as he is - is very very hot!!!!! I am a little sad that there is not so much Edward/Bella in the movie but they stick close to the book. Now I can't wait for the Third movie to start filming.
Lots of love ant thanks for all your kind regards.