Thoughts bouncing around, things going down, and my mood being downright mean today. I poured water on doodle's head twice because he was eating my kitties' food. He;s already 22 lbs. he doesn't need to eat anymore, especially not my babies food.
So mamba ninja'd daniel yesterday. Sorry man, she's a ninja.....it's kinda what ninjas do. they ninja shit.
She's in heat
So it appears as if i might be living out of my car for 3 weeks up in Ohio. I don't care one way or another about it. My mom is absolutely shocked at the idea, and I think it might be kind of sweet. I'll be like Jewel before she was discovered.
Oh the irony is thick today.
So I won't be taking the kitties with me when I go, I can live out of a car, but I can't do that to my babies. I might just leave them here for the first quarter. I'm getting a one bedroom because dammit, i am tired of living with other people. Maybe next year I'll get a roommate, but not this year. I'm also going to sign a lease without ever looking at the place. This is going to be fuckin sweet. I can't wait to make some big mistakes
So I can't decide if I want furniture. I figure I need a desk and some sort of cabinet for my computer....but other than that I don't see what I really NEED. A bed could work, but I could also get an inflatable mattress. I have to have booksheles, but they come with the place so I'm covered on that front. And a place to hang clothes, one stove top to cook spaghetti and a stove for pizzas and I think I'm good. Fuck TV, only distract me anyway, get a new cell phone plan so I can take my numer with me to Ohio, and then lots and lots of kitty toys. Chinet for the dinnerware, it's all gravy. So I'm either going with the bare-ass apartment, or taking out a big loan and buying all kinds of shit I don't need. Haven't decided what I want yet. maybe a projector/scaler/screen combo for entertainment purposes...and I'll take my lights, the kitties love the dmx-controlled lasers.
Saw snakes on a plane last night with Daniel, wes, ant, stacy, ryan, and april. It was exactly what me was expecting. I loved it....except the ending. Snakes on a plane certainly needed at least one shark. Love the fucking product placement, the absolutely shameless product placement. Brilliant!
Had a good time at the Snake n Shake with daniel, ryan, and april afterwards. Good times.
The party to end all parties is happening. If you don't know you better ask somebody.....like me. Should be a good time
Fuckin monkeys
I love guinness.....and procrastination....or the super word I love that means the same thing: cunctation
That's that dirty dirty
i hate working out of my house, it is eating my soul and any and all ambition I have left. I hope Ohio fixes me. I've always liked Ohio, it's a four letter word, and I feel that's the kind of place I should live.
I had a dream the other day. It was about a mildly attractive girl whom I met at a music festival. The duration of the dream was pretty much this semi-shy, extremely....nice girl flirting with me, and then a series of evil bitches I've known through the past few years coming and trying to ruin things. Fights would break out, but after each one, this girl would return to me and the light-hearted flirting would continue as if nothing happened. Nothing explicit, nothing bizarre, just pleasant conversation and a juicy mood of complacency, and when I woke up I was sad. I knew as hard as I might try, I couldn't go back to sleep and find her again. So I poured water on doodle's head and yelled at my sister. And all was well
i'm ready for a boring ass relationship with a nice girl....that i can turn into a freak on thursdays and saturdays....and I'll be happy. I've got the handcuffs, you bring the gag-ball. Any takers?
I beat the shit out of Teen jeopardy today. 23 out of 30 in the first round. I would say that's not too bad. Fucking president McKinley
good songs on bassdrive. Will anyone read this far? Let's find out
SO I saw some construction on Prosperity church where the sidewalk was ripped out and I've been toying with making a sign that says "This is where the sidewalk ends......loser" That'll show those joggers
Is god mad about artificial insemination? That whole "immaculate conception" thing was one of his gigs. Now it's been stolen. I imagine that's how magicians feel when pen and teller reveal their secrets. God doesn't like Pen and Teller......I do though
I feel from the last comment and pouring water on the cat I've got sufficient hell points today.
I'm making a giant elephant head. It's big.
I'm needing fliers to pass out for the party. I hope people have a good time. Last halloween I'm not so sure they did.
Screw this I'm done