Dec 02, 2005 01:38
Tonight was the Diamonds formal and it was a lot of fun! I was dreading it in a way because I wasn't able to find a new dress and I don't like getting all dressed up and comparing myself to the others (which I do inherently). Connor wasn't able to go because she was sick and Kelly's boyfriend (who originally wasn't going to go and then last night was) ended up not coming up from Houston. Kelly picked me up and we eventually found our way to our destination (just two turnarounds!). We enjoyed a good meal and I enjoyed about two beers I'd say. They got the dance floor going and it was a lot of fun. I took a refresher course on the two-step and learned to Boot, Scoot, and Boogie. I've been taught before but I had to take a refresher in that too! We kept calling the TOPS (Take Our Picture) guy over to take our picture. We left around 11:30 (we would have left a little bit earlier but then the dj put "Such Great Heights" on... I had to stay! And people thought I was drunk about the song... uh no. That's how I react ALWAYS!). Kelly and I even danced to the slow songs (we enjoyed a lot of spinning!). Great date!
I am getting so fed up at work. I found out today that one of the receptionists won't have to work Saturdays anymore which is a bunch of bullcrap. I don't know how to talk to my boss about it without getting really mad though. Meanwhile I'm up to my nose in work (doing other people's jobs) and one girl who does NOTHING all day but spy on others, asked me to fold a buttload of papers for her. Like I'm not doing a billion other things for people. Is that how I'm viewed? Oh she just answers phones, she does nothing all day. I beg to differ! I'm just so pissed at that place. I want to quuuiiiiiiiiit. Tomorrow I hope will be a ton of fun and Saturday is the Big Twelve game! How long have I been avoiding homework? Long enough! It's time for bed.