May 12, 2007 14:50
So far my today has mostly been consumed by Red Cross events. We had our weekly DAT (Disaster Action Team = handles local disasters like house fires, local weather emergencies) meeting and then a presentation from another local Chapter that dealt with massive flooding about a year ago (which I also responded to). It was neat doing a debriefing and hearing what was learned, what was done right, and things that have been implemented to hopefully make things work better in the future. It was great because it wasn't whining but lots of this worked, we needed that, and this is what we've done/are going to do.
I was also asked if I would be interested in being co-Vice Chair of our DAT Team. This sounds neat, but as of right now there isn't exactly a job description. I can guess that it will at least partly consist of helping make local events/meetings happen. I was told that there is a job description being created. I think I would like to get more involved in the routine happenings, so this may be a good thing.
red cross