This is exactly what the title says.
You're lucky in this, in that I don't like reading things with explicit sexuality, so you can assume all of these to be worksafe; except, of course, if you're not allowed laughing your butt off at work. Some of them are like that.
ReconciledReverse PsychologyBook of DaysThe Wonderful World of SaiyukiRandom Acts of ManagementO Ye of Little FaithRainy Night PG-13:
Red + Blue = PurpleRechargeable (V)
Koumyou Sanzo's Personal Organizer (D)(s)
Duty of Service Ink Blots (s)
75 Things Kenren Is No Longer Allowed To Do In The Army (L)(S)
For the PG-13 ones, I'm coding them by letters; HOW they're PG-13. A small letter is SLIGHT elements; a large letter is, well, stronger elements. This is because different things are offensive to different people; and someone who doesn't mind bad language might not want to read something with sexuality. That's cool, and I'm helping you out.
V=violence. A=alcohol/drugs. S=sexuality. L=language.