me: "what sound does the letter 't' make?"
4 yr old: "tuh tuh... tee!"
me: "good job! what's a word that begins with the letter 't'?"
4 yr old: "table"
me: "great! what's another word that begins with 't'?"
4 yr old: "..."
4 yr old: "beaver."
i got 2 more cameras yesterday. they arrived as i was leaving for the night; nice timing. i got an ansco box camera and a kodak duaflex. the camera collection thus far:
- nikon coolpix 2100
- holga 120sf
- meikai 4 shooter
- polaroid 400 land camera
- yashica electro 35
- yashica gs
- canon canonet
- minolta x370
- keystone everflash
- spykids happy meal camera
- playskool 35mm
- polaroid j66
- argus c30
- kodak brownie (flash model)
- chinon infrafocus
- kodak hawkeye instamatic
- colorpack polaroid camera
- polaroid 210 land camera
- brownie twin 20
i cleaned them both up and took the ansco out today and shot a test roll. it might turn out overexposed, since the shutter is something like 1/30 or 1/2 of a second and the only 120mm film i had was 400asa. i used a nd filter on some of the shots, so we'll see. still working on a test roll (managed to get it to hold 35mm) in the brownie twin20.
i posted a notice on one the south florida music scene group journals here. hopefully i'll find some more bands willing to shoot. rock.