an intro

Sep 30, 2004 13:27

i am
  • 28 yrs old
  • a total dork
  • an avid reader
  • a computer geek
  • not naked... yet.
  • a photographer
i have
  • a girlfriend
  • a 4 yr old who isn't quite my daughter, but will be
  • a mildly insane mother
  • a cat
  • a bass guitar
  • a shiat load of cameras
-- the roofers are here, repairing the damage from hurricane frances. they're thumping around on the roof in big heavy boots, banging with hammers. honestly, the noise is going to drive me batshiat insane. i'm tempted to climb my neighbor's roof with my pellet rifle and chase them off, but then i'd be roofless. as of today, hurricane frances left me without a roof, without a car, and without a job. i got laid off 2 weeks ago, 1 week after frances. i was doing social work, involved with vocational rehabilitation. it was a great job, barely any hours in the office, tons of freedom and salaried pay. usually my work week was about 25-30 hours, but i'd get paid for 40. now that i've been laid off, i'm thinking it's time for a career change. i'm going to finish up with my web deign certifications and get my own business established and running. here we go.
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