Weekend at the Bicentennial Center-Part Two

Feb 09, 2010 03:39

Last post, I showed a picture of a wedding gown-attired Bojoette and then talked about the Chamber of Commerce meeting at the Bicentennial Center on Friday night.  It was a cliff-hanger!  Or what passes for one in this journal.

Come Saturday morning, Bojoette stopped by the house.   

She'd been to the salon to have her hair done in preparation for modeling at the 1st Annual Fashion/Art Revolution Twenty Ten.  I've mentioned that our city loves art; it's also very community minded and compassionate.  And quirky.  Fashion/Art Revolution was a fashion show/silent art auction/fund raiser for the American Heart Association.  We evidently like to multi-task, too. 

I mentioned to Bojoette that her lips were a little dark, but she reminded me that stage lights wash a person out, and she laughingly told me that she had the most subdued make-up in the show!  I talked the girl into posing a little with the veil (borrowed from Bumberjean), but I really wanted to get some photos of her in the dress. I decided to show up early for cocktail hour at the Bicentennial Center before the show started.

I sashayed past security and found Bojoette in one of the dressing rooms.  Bojoette was surprised and asked how I got backstage.  Easy!  The first rule of social engineering is to look as though you know where you are going and that you belong.  I'm thinking just about anyone could have passed the test that night!

For the art auction, the invisible girls brought out each item.  On the black stage with black curtains, they did blend in.  I asked about the body paint and found it was like a layer of latex.  When the show was over, they would be able to peel themselves clean.  That seriously beats the old stuff we used way back in my drama club days.

I love this girl.  I've known her since she was a baby.  She has stage presence!

I didn't know this girl, but I was intrigued with her eyelashes and eye make-up.  The leopard spotted eyelids were a peel-off stick on.

Gio, Bojoette's boyfriend, was modeling casual clothing and formal wear.

We had the beautiful brides (courtesy of David's Bridal) and zombie brides.  Zombies are very popular lately!

I love the zombie with pearls.  She had big, beautiful eyes.  Such a June Cleaver zombie.

This bit of brightness was part of the '80s review.  So cute!

More of the '80s group.  I really don't remember the '80s being that colorful, and the hair was definitely bigger and curlier.

Cash Hollista rapped.  Mercifully, he only gave us three songs.  I think I'm getting old, because rap sounds like harsh noise beating against my resistant eardrums.  Nice guy, Cash, but I'm just not into rap (unless it's DC Talk, Toby Mac, Will Smith, Vanilla Ice, or some of the old schoolers).

We had dancers between the fashion sets.  Here, "Be Good to Mama, and Mama Will Be Good to You."  Now, that's good advice!

One of the fashion sets was from the Soggy Dog, a local pet grooming company.  Dogs modeled everything from sweaters to tutus.

There's my peacock girl, sans her green dress, performing a stomp routine.

Gio modeled his casual wear. 

Bojoette on the catwalk.

Bojoette:  These look so weird--like I'm a giant or something.
Me:  The stage was about five feet off the ground.  Of course I'm shooting at an angle.  What else could I have done?
Bojoette:  You could have jumped up each time you wanted a shot. 
Me:  R-r-r-ight.

And now, the walk Gio did NOT want to make and kept saying that he wasn't going to do: 

Of course, "I'm Too Sexy for My Shirt" was playing as he walked down the catwalk.

And I ended up with the highest bid on the only art book in the auction, so I got to take a memento home.  Even better, it was a book from my old friend, Dale K. Cole.  One of my favorites of his photos is this of a fisherman mending his nets:

Isn't it wonderful?  The colors, the composition--all amazing for something that wasn't posed or planned.

Perfect evening:  daughter and her boyfriend, zombies, art, and a book!

fashion, art, zombies and/or bacon, community events, bojoette, gio

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