Oct 10, 2005 14:47
Yeah, so we didn't have such a good time at the cat show. Why does everything these days have to be so damned political and unfair? It's all about who you know, not who you are. It sucks. The judges' "little helper" just doesn't like us because we have nice cats. I'm convinced. That's also what a few of my breeder (not meaning straight!) friends told me. Anyway, we came home to three sick, dehydrated cats (I'm FIRING my petsitter!!!). She was supposed to give them medicine for their Upper Respiratory Infections (a simple kitty cold) and it turned into something vicious. They weren't eating or drinking enough, so I called the vet on call last night, and we brought 'em in. They spent the night on IV's getting Saline Solution for hydration. They're feeling better now. I missed them a lot last night. I went to see them this morning and the vet told me that the little monsters took their IVs out last night. Now they're gonna be sub-cuting (subcutaneous, meaning "under the skin" saline injections) fluids. They are, however, much more hydrated. They ran full CBC's and did a "just in case" FLV/FIP snap test. The tests of course were negative. We are a FLV/FIP free cattery. FLV is Feline Leukemia Virus, and FIP is Feline Immunodeficiency (AIDS). The CBC (bloodwork) showed an increase to the slight upper side of normal for white cell count (25, but should be 20) which isn't too big of a deal, and is expected for a kitty fighting a bad cold. The poor baby is only 4 months old!! I love my babies, and I'll be able to pick them up this evening. We're gonna come home with stronger antibio's, as the Clavamox and Cefadroxil haven't done the trick.