BlaH blAh BlaH...

Sep 16, 2003 20:02

stiLL reaLLy heated .. but ii was thinking .. "Y the heLL am ii gonna go 2 homecoming, if lyk every1 hates me, and ii kno im not gonna hav a good tyme anywayz .. and lyk 2 top it off ii hav no1 2 go with anywayz" .. so0 yeaa i've decided im not going. ii probs wont go 2 any of PC's events anymor. ((im sowwie robyn!! .. but im stiLL def helping yew get ready 4 homecoming!!, yew can count on me!))

But G.H.S.= OMG! ii cant wait tiL yewr homecoming! it'z gonna b so0o much fuNN! LOL Anthony (Ant) we're gonna make it so0o great! haha esp with our lil dance!! LOL LOL. it's deff gonna b better than last years!! haha .. Al, we were such psycho's last year .. but lets not hav a repeat Mary Weather ((yeaa we kno she has a wierd name)) accident! haha. LOL that was the best Costume/Homecoming ever! haha, o0oh the stories we hav 2 teLL our kidzZ! LOL

and ... TCHS!!= OMG! def cant wait tiL yewr homecoming!! LOL, last year's was memorable!! such funn x's! we've def gotta repeat them! but no mor JaneLLe accidents!! (lol ii cant believe she feLL). But yeaa he's 2 the class of o6'!! We're gonna make it the most speciaL nyt ever!!
-xoxo MeLzZ
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