Feb 18, 2005 09:56
Well guys whats up, It's the head of a 3 day weekend..Only 2 ½ classes till we get there tho...I'm hanging out with Darren and Jeremy again tonight after my friends B-day party after spending 3 hours with them at the mall...It was fun. I was having a really crappy day yesterday with Kristina threating to move to AR with her ex if I ran away...Judith threating to put everyone out of their misery..she went home early yesterday and started taking 3-4 of her mom and dads morphine and codine crap..and had to get her stomach pumped. Chris called me, and he just made my day because he's just soo sweet...I was trying to have a better day after I got home..then Jeremy calls me to ask me if I wanna go to the mall with him and Darren for a couple hours...I say sure, why not....It was really fun, when we were leaving Darren was like, has this been the most fun youve had in a while..I said yea...So I get home, Jeremy wants to say Hi to my mom, so I take them in my house, showed them my room...we were talking with my mom...convinced her I'm not running away any where...I dont mean to keep my Chrissy poo waiting ;-)..so..I'll talk to you while your reading this..lol....
Much Love