Aug 24, 2005 00:15
just looking at a picture today i realized how much i like livejournal as a medium. like a neighborhood you want to invite everyone to, even if mostly it's so you have good neighbors. hell, it's good for all of us. maybe the new american community will be just a drifting center that picks up things at the peripheries, random bits who wandered into almost nowhere from the nowhere they were from to begin with, and head off to elsewhere with a smiling bunch of meme pirates seeking only freedom and kicks. so hey, wanna come along? i promise it's nice here. i know what you must think of dixie, i know, but you've got to look with your own eyes sometimes. "liberal bastion," when is that ever not good? i mean as a place. fuck the liquor laws here are as shitty of massoftwoshits. if i am elected president i will allow liquor sales whenever you damn well like. drinking on the street will also be allowed. if you are fucked enough to cause a public nuisance that's yer prollem, mister. the liberty lover has to love montana, the libertine has to enthrone new orleans. ah and the mere mention of amsterdam, even as new amsterdam, and you get all dreamy-smiled and start thinking about how the dutch *should* run things, at least until you think about the capitalism so inherent in their souls. we all know vaclav havel should be running things, being pope, being infallible and completely absurdist, because that's what all the other ones did.
speaking of, did you know that the pope is being checked out as the source of the catholic church sex abuse coverups? the reasoning goes like this: the way the church handled coverups was too consistant and global not to have come from the higher ups, ie the vatican. and who was running such things under john paul? er, a certain gentleman named ratzinger, later re-monikered pope benedict. of course, and this is the sticky part, the pope is a well-recognized head of state (not to mention off-handedly infallible whilst /ex cathedra/) and so cannot be deposed. dig that. it will be interesting to see what becomes of it. the lesser textbooks will dwell upon it and trip out the innocent minds of future youth, virgins to primary document history. "fuck that's raw!" "yes, my son," old man with beard and tea and faraway familiar look. "yes."
today met mimi's man. a good guy, with interesting stories of visiting polygamy, colorado and finding shamanic petroglyphs in nowhere, utah. loud music in a basement full of smoke and liquor after that was like some sort of tiring dream. i also met brandi's new roommate, from chicago and cool, studying urban planning.
in north carolina there are no bars. there are restaurants that serve liquor to everyone, and there are "social clubs" that don't serve any food and only serve members and their guests (if anyone bothers to cover the door.) so far i've joined the "orange county social club" (OCSC. my deed didn't say orange county though, it said "county of orange" and had some colonial sounding number for a year embroidered across the seal. orange not because of orange growth, but because of william of orange, should you care to care) and "hell" (still undefeated in air hockey, even whilst playing the side with weak airflow.) also, by state law bars cannot have happy hours. drink specials must run for a whole day or not at all. liquor can only be bought at "ABC" shops, the state packy. closed by ten, maybe well before, and they don't sell on sundays at all. maybe the laws were written by people trying to pass of moonshine, or by the marijuana growers (the state's largest cash crop). alls i know is don't mess with the cops they pull people over for things like driving three miles over the speed limit and pulling to the left instead of right when the pigs are flagging someone else down.
shit, here i go undermining my own "live in carolina" ad campaign. well, you'd best have the truth now, because i sure as don't want any responsibility on my shoulders.