
Feb 22, 2009 17:05

Hooray for the Oscars, one of my top 5 nights of the year!

Something great always seems to come of Oscar night for me.  I remember the year I blew up the garbage disposal trying to shove down the remains of my NiColeslaw Kidman and the year my gerbils had babies on Oscar night; I remember the year I watched with the kvetching Alex Levy and a growing number of people from our hall in his dorm room at Wes, and the year I was with my parents in a hotel in Durango on our way to Mesa Verde for Spring Break.  I always make a big Oscar feast--first it was just the usual appetizering thing, but now it's advanced to making food that puns on the names of the nominees.  This year's menu looked a little unpalateable--I'm fine with MilkShakes and Heath bars, but no way in combination with Wall-Eye, and SlumHotdog Millionaires--so I went with dumplings a la Kung Fu Panda.

I really hope that by some miracle Kung Fu Panda beats out Wall-E, which I never understood everyone's great love for; Wall-E and his sweet little treasure trove of trash are endearing, but the rest of the movie did nothing for me, and I was frustrated that at the end the robots were still doing all the dirty work for a bunch of oafish and slovenly humans.  Kung Fu Panda, on the other hand, really charmed me after I went in expecting to hate it, and the art is amazing.

Otherwise, though, I can't say I'm terribly invested in who wins anything.  I haven't seen any of the best picture nominees except for Benjamin Button.  I had a long conversation with Anna yesterday about how ridiculous it is that The Fall isn't nominated for a single thing--what had better effects than that?  Or better costumes?  Or, heck, a more original script?  From what I know about them, I'm underwhelmed by the imaginative effort of all the big films that are up tonight.  And, while Vicky Cristina Barcelona was probably my favorite movie of the year, if Penelope Cruz wins for such a paltry if well-done role, that's a little absurd.  Probably half the Academy thought they were actually voting for Salma Hayek when they voted for her anyway.


Anyway, I'm off to bust through some more Nabokov, heat up my dumplings, and let the viewing begin!
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