Merci for the tag,
octoberine! Just when I was hoping for an excuse not to read more Beckett!
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
B) Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
What are your nicknames?
Skunk. That's really the enduring one, the one that I answer to without thinking about it. Others that are more jokes or only frequently used by specific friend or family subsets include Bumpers, Eemi, Elbow McGraw, Roberta Zimmerman, Emmi, Ems, or The Eminator.
How do you style your hair?
Well, folks, here's the problem. I attempted to procure sideswept bangs over Thanksgiving, which turned out really to just be bangs. But now the sides I had hoped at one point to establish have turned into unpleasant wings. How, o how, shall I address these wings?! Answer me, o hair gods!
What's the last book you read?
I am inching my way across Molloy by Beckett for class. The last thing I read for myself was a my 10,000th re-read of Not That I Care by Rachel Vail, which remains my all-time gold standard for honest and merciless storytelling. I cry every time when Morgan tapes the cherries to the cherry tree. Anyone? Anyone?
What colour shirt are you wearing now?
Grey sweater. It was this or a black sweater this morning. I made a point last year to wear black to every poetry workshop. I'll do my best to keep it up this semester.
Are you an introvert or extrovert?
A needy, lonely little introvert with extrovert longings who then cannot handle sustained interaction with anyone in real life.
Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer?
I really don't get how one could have strong feelings about this question.
Do you nap a lot?
If you count hitting my alarm for literally hours every morning.
Who was the last person you hugged?
Gosh, that's a freaky question. Nikita I think, disgustingly enough. Or no, wait, Elyssa! And Joanna! That's better.
What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Obsessed with episodes of "That 70s Show" on youtube, "Hot in Herre" by Nelly, "Danny's Song" by Kenny Loggins, "Butterfly" by Crazy Town, and the fact that I still have no story for Monday.
What was the last thing you ate today?
Ice cubes, my favorite snack.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
If I have to be somewhere, I can be up and rolling about 14 minutes, 18 if I have to eat breakfast. If I have nowhere I have to be, it will take me about 2 hours to get going, I won't eat breakfast, and I only might be wearing clean pants. And then I'll have to have lunch before I can get to work.
What websites do you visit daily?
Brace yourself for the shame: Livejournal, facebook,, two school email sites, the For Better or For Worse website even though it pains me more and more with each passing day, and if I'm feeling crazy, Dear Abby. Then, on the day the week's new posting comes out, I have to read postsecret, American Girl's Help and You Said It! column to see if my sabatorial advice made it in, and Rob Brezsny's weekly horoscope.
Look at all that time I'm wasting right there.
What's the last movie you watched?
I watched Masterpiece Theatre's version of Sense and Sensibility on TV instead of the superbowl on the ghetto TV I bought from my angry Korean ex-neighbor. AND THEN I DROPPED THE TV ON MY FOOT.
Do you like to clean?
Love it. Live for it. Just REFUSE to clean up after other people or have their messes attributed to me.
What time is your usual bedtime?
1:30-2:00ish, although I have to get up so early for work now that I get tuckered out early.
How do you feel about your state of residence?
Hate it. Hate it pretty unequivocally, actually.
What is your favourite weather?
Rainy or snowy.
Who would you most like to meet from your LJ (If you haven't met them before)
thedisappeared, and
fatal_lozenge I think are the only ones I don't know, and they all seem like groovy beings
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Uck, probably living a compromised life teaching in some capacity and utterly alone.
lindaflindas antiqrule1 squirrelsrstpd and those in need of a meme!