So for those of you guys who know me and get tired of me rambling on and on about working with Doctors without Borders, please humor me for a bit... I GOT INTO UNITE FOR SIGHT! Its the most perfect program for me because it'll give me a glimpse of what I'll be doing when I finally become a doctor!
I may have accidently left you out of the email I sent out to everyone, but here's the information:
I am ecstatic to inform you that I will be one of Unite For Sight's volunteers in Chennai, India over the summer to help communities improve eye health and eliminate preventable blindness. There, I will work with partner eye clinics to screen for eye disease, implement education programs, and coordinate sight-restoring surgery for children and adults. This is an amazing opportunity to actively go out into rural villages and promote health education and screening programs in nearby schools. What drew me to this program is that they provide free eye surgery so that no patients are left blind due to lack of funds. I'm really excited for the learning experience of volunteering in an underserved community as well as actively changing someone's life.
With Unite for Sight I'll will be contributing in the effort to improve eye health in an area of the world that lacks the medical resources we are blessed with here in the United States. Every dollar that I fundraise is very important to the people in India. My fundraising minimum is $1,400, but I hope to raise much more and I would be grateful for your support.
Your tax-deductible contribution will go directly to Unite for Sight to fund surgeries and other needs of the program. These funds will not be used towards any of my personal expenses such as airfare or housing. You can be confident that every dollar of your contribution will be utilized to serve those in need. You can either pay me directly or donate at my fundraising website at: I am also conducting a drive to collect 500 eyeglasses. These glasses will go to communities in India where they cannot afford them. Please send any spare reading glasses, non-prescription sunglasses, and spherical distance glasses …etc to me!
Most importantly, I’d like you to keep my family and me in your prayers. Please pray that my parents will not be worried over the summer, they probably will anyways, but it’d be nice if you did. I’d also like prayer for myself in that I will learn from this experience (and not just come out of it knowing how to cook nans, but that’d still be awesome) and that it will strengthen my resolve to work with Doctors without Borders in Africa. Thank you so much everyone!