So, for this production class, we were in groups and had to 'make a movie'. This is ours: a little background: its based on a game called PORTAL which is actually really amazing in concept. i played about 10 minutes of it so i could write the script. basically, its a FPS and the main character is recruited by this science center to do experiments with their 'portal' gun which allows you to shoot portals onto walls and when you go through them, instead of going through that particular wall, you could actually be going through a ceiling in a different room or some other wall in another room. you can even shoot portals in a way so that you can see yourself through the portals like an infinite mirror. the game is very trippy and messes with your mind. anyway there is the OS of the game, GladOS, which is this monotone woman's voice which talks to you throughout the game and she kinda leads you through the game and is always promising you cake when you finish the game. she ends up turning evil (e.g. computers get smarter than humans and try to kill us) and you have to beat her.
so thats a basic run down of PORTAL so that you kinda get the middle part of our movie.
We spent about 3 weeks doing this, even with people out of town during spring break. its only 6.5 minutes long and funny even without a full understanding of the game.
the teacher seemed to like it as did our classmates. i know the audio is a little loud on the middle section but i didnt have a chance to go in and mix ALL the audio of the 3 scenes, only the first and last sooooooo its not all even :-/
ANYWAY here ya go wehn you have a few minutes to spare.
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