I am noticing a trend...I gotta get you (more books) into my life!

Jan 24, 2007 12:29

c) 28. Our Kingdom V5
c) 29. Princess Princess V2
Undressing Mercy
added Jan 25:
e) 2. Runaways V1
e) 3. Runaways V2
e) 4. Runaways V3
e) 5. Runaways V4
added Jan 26:
e) 6. Runaways V5
e) 7. Runaways V6
e) 8. Invincible V1
added Jan 29:
a) 1. Slave to Sensation - I have to admit, this book is a very pleasant surprise for me.  I am familiar with Ms. Singh as a writer for Harlequin and was not confident I would enjoy her transition into paranormal romance so I actually bought this book second hand.  After about a month or so sitting on top of a stack of books/manga in my room I finally decided to tackle my bookclub choice for february and get on the reading wagon...  I enjoyed how Ms. Singh merged the worlds of humans, psy and changelings; with a mystery subplot to give the book some meat on its bones so to speak...  The author has also created some interesting (angst and tragedy seem to be key ingrediants when creating an appealing hero, IMO) supporting characters and I am looking to the next three installments to this series, all being tentatively released for this year!  I didn't want the book to end, and am impatient for the second book (I believe the title is Visions of Heat) to arrive at bookstores...
added Jan 31:
c) 30. Eyeshield 21 V12

January's numbers look like this:
1 new (in my blog "new" is defined as a book I have not read before...publication date is immaterial) book read
1 book re-read
30 new ("new"=I have not previously read this manga volume before...) manga volumes read
1 manga volume re-read
8 trade paperbacks/graphic novels read
41 = Total
I would also like to note I am not including the books/manga/graphic novels I started in 2006 [or earlier] and finally finish reading this year...

recently read, comics in 2007, january tally, our kingdom, manga in 2007, nalini singh, princess princess, runaways, invincible, books in 2007, deanna lee

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