
Oct 29, 2007 23:48

I had a quick and painless scan test today. Froggy went with me to the hospital. I was a teeny bit anxious but it went like clockwork. The procedure was undertaken by two gents who were extremely efficient and friendly. Couldn't have asked for more!

We didn't see my OncoDoc though. I won't get the results until next week anyway so we're heading to England early Thursday morning. Today has been much more reassuring.

Despite being assured the contrary by my nurse and sent on our way, OncoDoc had "wanted" to speak with me. When I returned the call to the hospital he couldn't fit me in and he was supposed to call, but didn't get a chance to. If it was really, really worrying he would have:
1. Kept me in the hospital
2. Taken my call when I returned his or
3. At least rang me back.

So methinks that ol' OncoDoc is just checking up on how I'm doing emotionally and since Froggy and I sent him a typed analysis of my reaction to the injection he gave me, he didn't have any medical questions to ask me.

It can wait until tomorrow which is a good sign and anyway the nurse told me that my new treatment protocol will be decided, refined and confirmed after he receives the results from today's scan.

In other news, I went to the see the doctor yesterday: my GP. A slight eye irritation in the morning bloomed into a painful inflammation by the mid-afternoon (after Froggy had already left to return to work, of course). I knew that I would have to brave "The Hill of Doom" but when the pain is great enough the motivation soon follows. I was able to enjoy the short hike through spitting, cold rain - perfect to prepare oneself for the upcoming hop! From the doc's I hobbled through the now pouring, cold rain, to the pharmacy - yet another person surprised to see me out alone. Alas, my Froggy was not there. I did call him though and chatted with him as I fought my way through the elements back up "The Hill of Doom;" it's such an easier feat when one doesn't feel alone. Once back in the house I curled up in many warm sofa throws on my pillows and began researching for accommodation, chatting with many, many persons at once via msn, answering the incessantly-ringing phone - and once Froggy returned - nibbling down a nice, lovingly-prepared dinner. At some point just before midnight my "nuit blanche" from yesterday bit me in the butt and I could literally no longer focus on my computer screen.

I got a bit sick but I think that it was due to a unadvisable mix of fatigue, brain overload, a bit too much morphine, and vanilla ice cream. Froggy helped me back to the couch and we cut a bit off my patch to reduce the dose. He also decided that I had just won a one-way ticket to bed. And that, was that.

hop, scan, eye, tired

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