If I Write About It, I HAVE To Do It

Jan 09, 2011 18:34

So, we moved into our new place in August. 2nd bedroom = more room for my stuff, yay! Of course, the main reason we needed a second bedroom is because we want to have a kid soon. Plus, we didn't really like the apartment we were in anyway.

I am lucky enough to have a husband who doesn't have a bunch of stuff like I do, so he graciously let me take over all the second bedroom closet. I don't intent on leaving it all in there; I actually want to go through it, organize, throw out stuff I don't want/need anymore, then move the rest to the storage space I'm also renting. (Yeah, I have more than necessary stuff. It's a small storage space though, I swear!) I guess I kept putting it off because it's all still there. I did get rid of a bit of it, but the closet is still full. There's some empty boxes I want to hang on to, but mostly it's just crap I want to save. Oh yeah, there is one craft box that I am going to hang on to.

Basically, I am starting to get annoyed by it. I don't like being bogged down and I know Evan isn't thrilled I have that clutter (though thankfully it's hidden away), so I'm itching to get rid of it. I think I'm going to start that soon.

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