have you ever thought about what protects our hearts?

Mar 27, 2008 00:34

I had a "Board meeting" for the company yesterday, and despite how productive and helpful it was, I'm still mentally deteriorating, right now. this may be because I went back to work today and it's such a big chunk of my day when NOTHING gets done. I'm trying to write a mission statement and it feels so personal that it's really taking a lot out of me just mulling over it. things like cleaning and personal hygiene and working out are taking a backseat already and I hate it. I need someone to come to my house and clean it for me because I can't focus. I'm so incredibly tired even though I accomplished nearly nothing today, and I have to wake up kind of early tomorrow to squeeze in a full hour at the gym to make up for missing today, but I feel like the only thing that's going to make me feel better right this second is to watch America's Next Top Model and eat some apple slices with peanut butter. I'm trying to be as positive as I can be. part of that is not talking shit about people, which is hard, because it makes me feel better when I'm stressed. here's a positive thing- the family I sit for bought me a cute, kind of funky watch in Switzerland. and the boys were really excited to give it to me, and apparently spent every shopping trip in Europe saying "no, Haley wouldn't like that" until they drove their mom nuts. I am loved.

here is a list of people I'd like to thank for making me feel special and making me not go completely crazy:
Jordan B.
Jordan N.

on Friday I will go out with Ben and Britta and everything will be perfectly fine. just wonderful.
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