Sep 26, 2007 14:03
I'm becoming a vegan. ___ is, too. it's already no problem finding dairy kind of gross and unnecessary, I think the hardest thing is going to be actually reading the ingredients in things and finding out what has milk or egg traces in it. anyway, giving up cravings is good. we don't need ice cream, or steak, or television, or cigarettes, or sex with random people we don't care about, or binge drinking in order to live. if these things make us happy right now, and we think we can't deny ourselves that happiness, it's because we crave it, because we're sick with it. why would we want to spend our time ruled by sickness? I think the minute we free ourselves of garbage, we can start to do good things for other people. that's all.
working full-time stresses me the fuck out, but I'm broke. the end.