New Housedom

Oct 17, 2006 02:21

I've just moved in to a new place, as of last week, and so far it's going pretty gosh-darned well! Basically I hang out with Huw all day and play videogames and boardgames while occasionally drinking beer. It's pretty choice. The only problem is that my room isn't very well soundproofed, and is near the middle of the house, which wouldn't normally be a problem but I've been working night shift all week and therefore need to sleep during the day, i.e. when everyone's hanging around, chatting and listening to the radio. I can deal with that though, sleep deprivation is par for the course on night shift. As of today it's over, thankfully.

Lately I've been on a bit of a chocolate binge, too. I blame the stress of moving into a new place and full-time night shifting combined, and there've been opened chocolate packets littering the house for the past week or so. New Housemate Jarrah, who was already worried that she was shitting me off by accidentally waking me up during the day, thought that I was placing them as bait, and that when she took a piece I would appear from my hiding place and yell out "YOU FAT BITCH!". She told me of these concerns, pretty much in those words. So, before leaving for work the night before last, I set up an elaborate system that would thwart all potential thieves thusly:

When I returned in the morning, it looked something like this


I think I like this house :)
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