
Jul 01, 2009 15:16

Quite possibly I've discussed my views on dreams before. Basically I'm really into the whole lucid dreaming / dreaming in general /deal/. (if you don't know what lucid dreaming is, I strongly recommend that you check it out. www.dreamviews.com is one of the big LD communities)

Anyway, last night I had one of those dreams. You know the type. The ones where something so /incredibly beautiful and perfect/ happens and you think you've finally found perfection in your life and then you wake up and go, "Ahhh, so happy that my li- WAIT IT WAS A DREAM OH GOD".

Basically, it was about a girl (I can sense your shock from here! -sarcasm-) that I know fairly well and also some other friends were there. We were going on a roadtrip through a salt-lake (yeah I don't know where that came from). I was sitting next to said girl (I'm calling her goyb for the purposes of this blog. it's a private joke, just go with it).

Anyway so I'm sitting next to Goyb (AHAHAHAHA -dies-) in the car, reaaaally slowly we went from just sitting next to each other to touching the tips of our fingers to holding hands in that way where it's not something that you're really thinking about, it just happens, the next movement seems to be a natural evolution from the last. Then she was resting her head on my shoulder and we're just sitting there, in the car with our friends (and also my grandma who was driving :/ ). I honestly have never been that happy in my waking life. I can't even explain how fantastically overjoyed I was at this simple gesture. Nothing further happened in that dream although I'm fairly sure that's a good thing.

It's like.. I've been watching Buffy season 4 where Willow and Tara start their relationship but you never actually see them kiss. It just starts with metaphor/foreshadowing and then 'innocent' contact and then turns into a beautiful connection, uncorrupted by overly-physicaly attachment. It protects the emotional... spark I suppose.

Anyway, I suppose what I'm really thinking about is why I'm dreaming about this girl like this any why it made me so happy. I mean... I haven't /really/ thought about Goyb in a relationshippy way before. I guess there are a few explanations.
  • Nels loves Goooyb. Subconsciously and I haven't realised it yet.
  • I haven't had a girlfriend in six months and Goyb's appearance was random. I was so happy simply to have someone that emotionally close to me.
  • Ok so really there are only two explanations that I can think of but I really wanted to use the bullet point thing! Don't judge meee.
I'm pretty sure the right course of action is drop it and leave it alone buuut I can never be sure. My opinions are often wrong!

Thoughts, live jourlnal users? Comments are love. :D

Also I've been listening to musics by "The Academy Is...", 'Slow Down' is fantastic if you like indie-rock type musics. :D

emotion, love, dream

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