Writer's Block: Rabbit Rabbit!

Jun 01, 2009 22:06

That I could tell the girlofthemomentslashyear that I'm interested in her without running the risk of ruining things! I would go into more detail but at least two of my friends know where this blog is and only... two of my closest friends know that I like said girl so yeahhh.

Anyway, on with the day!

The bus is the perfect place for thinking of things. I was going to say "musing" there but that's too pretentious... OH WAIT this is LiveJournal.
So the bus is the perfect place for random musings on the way to Uni. It's an hour and a half of time to myself with nothing to distract me but the occassional woman/elderly person trying to make me feel guilty enough to stand up.

Now, if an elderly or disabled person gets on the bus and there are no seats left, I'll happily stand up. I'm young, standing isn't significantly less comfortable than sitting, etc.
And usually I will stand for anyone really. I don't have anything against standing and it feels good to do something nice for someone else. But when some perfectly fit and healthy thirty-somethings woman gets on and immediately, without even giving me a chance to vacate my seat, starts to glare at me for not leaping to my feet, I am not going to move. Bitch can stand as far as I care.
So that's my view on the giving up of bus seats!

I wrote several notes on my phone today about what I was going to say here! I will go a-searching now.

Ok so I wrote two.
One was the bus thing.

The other was a half-remembered quote from Scrubs (I think) that goes something like this:
"As with every new relationship, eventually the hot flame of passion will subside, and you can only hope that you're left with a mutual love and respect."
I can't remember why I wanted to talk about that at the time but I will make something up!
I suppose basically I agree. The beginnings of a relationship are almost always going to be amazing, presuming you get past the first few dates. Being a good couple for the first bit of time has nothing to do with having things in common, sharing similar interests, etc.
Well obviously... without some connection, a couple would never come to be in the first place, but it is often not until later in the relationship that it becomes apparent just how not-right two people are for each other.
So when the new-ness and passion die out, which it inevitably will, that is when you will truly know how right a person is for you.

So that was pretentious and probably mis-representing of my views! Another successful post for Nels!

Also! Go downlo -cough- I mean... Go buy Zapatillas by El Canto Del Loco. (Sneakers by The Song of the Crazy Person, the album, not the song). Fantastic album by a Spanish pop-rock band. I knooow there's some awful pop-rock but this is fairly amazingly good. Because it's Spanish probably.

bus, el canto del loco, pretentious, writer's block, courtesy

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