Mar 14, 2005 12:12
Sometimes I just instinctively avoid things that will get me into trouble. I don't verbalize it, even to myself, but somehow, deep down inside, I just have a feeling something will go wrong...
Such is the case with bringing soup to work. I usually bring lunch to work. My preference is to bring some good leftovers. Yesterday (Sunday), I had to work, and I wisely chose a peanut butter sandwich, some carrots, and an apple. No prep, and therefore no time to waste, in case I got busy. And oh, was I busy! But my connection to the customer's system was
So having my lunch there was perfect. Type in a command, then take a bite of my sandwich while I wait for the system to respond, so I can type in the next command.... Very tedious, but I needed drilling on these commands, and I got several hours worth. And the peanut butter tasted sooo good, as was the multi-grain bread that it was on.
Back to today... For the first time, I brought soup to work. Good homemade soup I made myself, leftover from Saturday, when I shopped, cooked, shovelled snow, played music, entertained friends, a little bit of everything.
So today I was really looking forward to having some more of that soup. I packed it in a plastic container, and put that in a plastic bag. I didn't realize until I got to the microwave in the cafeteria that the cover wasn't tight, so most of the soup spilled out of the container into the plastic bag. :-( I got a little taste of soup, along with carrots and apple.
So why have I never taken soup to work? Because instinctually I know that liquids spill, solids don't, and I guess I'm too much of a klutz to not spill the liquid...
Tomorrow I'm bringing a good solid lunch. :-) Meanwhile, tonight I'm having a good meal out with my buddy Phil. Yum.