Nov 03, 2009 23:12
Sebastian was the first to sign my cast, of course. It says "DADDY I LOVE YOU" signed "sebastian".
He was asking for scary stories recently, so this weekend I dug out Hitchcock's Ghostly Gallery - ghost stories for young teens. Read him the introduction (which bored him), and then read Dunsany's "In a Dim Room", which I'd told him a few times before but never actually read to him. He loved it.
He wanted another story, so I read "Obstinate Uncle Otis" by Robert Arthur. In it, a character gets a bump on the head and gets amnesia; he believes that he's a furniture salesman from Cleveland. Sebastian went berserk. He decided that he had amnesia, and started saying in a silly voice "I'm Oklahoma Smith!". It's become a regular catchphrase of his in the last few days.