
Jul 07, 2009 13:31

I am in intense pain. I have DS finger.

It's because I played a lot of Super Mario DS 64 on vacation, and even more on the trip home and yesterday. I was trying to get the Wario hat. I succeeded in a final frenzy of effort (the Wario boss is tough), but ended up hurting my right index finger quite badly.

How badly? I got relatively little sleep last night; when I did finally manage to get to sleep, I could still feel the pain in my dreams. In fact, I dreamed that my fingernail was badly infected, and that I'd gone to the doctor. He injected me under the fingernail with antibiotics, several times. Rather than be terrified as I normally would be by such a prospect, I gladly accepted the shots...and then waited for the pain to go away.

And waited.

And waited.

And when I woke, up, I was still waiting...until I realized that the shot had been a dream. So I took some tylenol, and that helped a bit.

I feel silly writing about a stupid sore finger when I think of all the much more serious and scarier things that so many people on my flist have gone through or are going through!

Oh, about Super Mario DS 64? I bought it specifically for the vacation. It's a great game; I was captivated by the original when it came out for the Nintendo 64, and the additional worlds and stars that have been packed into the DS version are simply amazing (and they make the game astonishingly huge). The controls definitely are hard to use compared with the Nintendo 64 controller (or the Wii Classic Controller controller - the original SM64 is available to download, although it doesn't have the many DS enhancements), which is why I have this stupid sore finger.

Sebastian had a copy of the game but managed to lose it several months ago. We believe that it's somewhere in his room. When he saw me playing the game (my new copy, that is), he decided that he simply HAD to play it - and so, there was a bit of a struggle over who would get to play the game. There has been some whining and reproaching: "You're always playing that game instead of spending time with your family!"

To which I cannot help but reply "So I should hand the game over to you so you can go off and play it? How would that help me to spend time with my family?" Sebastian has yet to come up with a good answer to that one, so he generally goes straight to the whining in response. :D

Last night he went on a "cleaning" spree in his room to try to find the game, and ended up making it far messier than it had been. He dumped everything off the top of his bureau onto the floor. He still didn't find the game, unfortunately. We're going to have to walk him through a proper cleaning, I suspect.

nintendo, sebastian, maine, video game, health, vacation

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