GoodReads Review: Tales From the White Hart

Jul 06, 2009 13:30

Tales From the White Hart by Arthur C. Clarke

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars

Absolutely outstanding. I hadn't re-read this book for at least twenty years. Somehow it had gotten pigeonholed in my memory as a bit boring and dull.

But it's anything but dull or boring! Classic and funny science fiction stories using the classic bar-story format. Over and over I found myself coming across phrases and ideas which I'd incorporated into my personal lexicon, only to forget where they'd come from. "Oh, so this is where I first read that!" I kept saying.

It's a pity that Clarke wrote so few of these stories. They're wonderful.

View all my reviews.

goodreads, review, genre, science fiction, reviews, books

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