
Apr 29, 2009 09:39

I'm still pissed off. I made the mistake of getting a coffee Coolatta and bagel at the only Dunkin Donuts near my work.

As always, they simply tossed the bagel in the bag with some butter. If I wanted to butter a cold bagel myself, I would have bought one much cheaper at the Shaws next door. Is it that fucking hard to butter a goddamned bagel?!?

And the Coolatta was utterly undrinkable. It was mostly liquid, not frozen, and it must have been 98% cream. It was as white as snow! I looked at the guy and said "That's a Coolatta? It's SO WHITE!".

He ignored me. Like an idiot I took the bagel and Coolatta (I'd already paid for them) and left the store. When I got back to my desk, I tried buttering the bagel; it was cold. I tried the Coolatta and nearly puked; it really was pure cream. I tried microwaving the bagel a little to melt the butter, and ended up with melted butter everywhere. So I threw the whole fucking mess in the trash. Then I wrote to Dunkin Donuts and complained, and then I went to Yelp.com and posted a bad review. But because that DD is in an Exxon Tiger Mart, I had to review that instead.

I am really, really pissed off this morning.

consumer, rant

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