A Post from Fuitadnet

Jun 16, 2005 12:41

This is a post from the Fuitadnet forums - specifically, for tickets which have not been resolved. That section is (it says) reviewed daily by the CEO.

So why am I cross-posting it here? Because it makes me laugh, even though I wrote it. See if you can guess why.
Ticket #DKQ-60918-644 (SpamAssassin)
This is a continuation of the long chain of SpamAssassin tickets and problems I've had for the last year or so.

I've gotten some response, but the last one I got suggested that SpamAssassin was working correctly. Since a week ago only 1-2 spams a day got into my inbox, and for the past three days it has been 1000+ per day, I have a hard time believing that SpamAssassin is just fine.

I also have a hard time believing that hundreds of spams with subjects like "FIND YOUR F-CK-BUDDY" (without the expurgation I've used here) would normally make it through a properly functioning SpamAssassin.

Yes, I have a juvenile sense of humor. So sue me.


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