Aug 29, 2009 23:26
Games first!
this current round of gamefly is Prince of Persia and Fallout3.
i greatly enjoy how accurate zero punctuation reviews tend to be.
Prince of Persia isn't terrible. the prince is actually pretty likable, compared to the linkin park emo he was a few games ago i guess. the controls are a little chunky though. i've had to re-do long strings of shit because he decided to climb up instead of wall run. and combat is kinda.. chunky too. i have no motivation for learning the combos either. game isn't terrible i might be able to slog my way through the whole game. partly due to the almost mindless easiness of the rest of it.
Fallout3 i'm not real far into it yet. it doesn't quite fit into my normal pick up a game and play it for a little then stop trend. which is how i normally accomplish games. After i got slayed by a group of raiders for the 2nd or 3rd time i decided not to go that way again and saved/quit. I have a feeling it will fall the same fate oblivion and morrowind had. neat for awhile and then i lose interest and stop playing.
Wet. i rocked out the demo today. plays like a quentin tarantino movie. it seems like it'll be fun for awhile. hopefully will have the staying power so you actually finish the game. tons of quick time events though. those ruin games for me nowadays. PRESS X TO NOT DIE! the game is in my queue maybe i'll bump it up a bit higher when i start sending things back again.
going to ohio this weekend. going to be crazy with the flying and the layovers. and i apparently get to try to teach my parents dog to play Frisbee. i may or may not drag a laptop down with me, so my online presence will be limited possibly. i know that makes all of you sad deep down on the inside. there may be a zoo or aquarium visit in there too.
segue that into a laptop topic.
macbook pro has been lifted from work again. i'll mess around with it for awhile again, hopefully i wont break it in a week again. so far rocking non snow cat os x with bootcamped windows 7 64bit. GG MSDN. parallels up in there too. dont know what else i can do to pimp it out. shapeshifter doesn't work with 10.5 so i can't spend my days skinning it to have maximum rice. the sort of goal is to not really use the windows on it. i did it mainly so i can have something to fall back to if needed. and for giggles. i want to get a feel for how using a mac as a mac works. i'm still dragging my HP around for the time being partly because it has Vmwared XP which makes shit at work easier to deal with. and because it also has all my applications installed on it. which i will need to get up on the mac at least in parallels at some point.
part of me still is thinking about the netbook idea. i think what keeps me from buying one is that i can't make up my mind. and that it would mostly be a toy. hackintosh up on it, or linux, or win7. but beyond that, i can't really justify it seeing as i technically am in possession of 3 laptops now.
i only have to be in the same building as my boss for 2 days this week, which i am probably all too excited about. will have to work on random tedious shit though probably.
annnd too distracted to keep writing so it'll end here