Feb 04, 2011 17:55
Just under a month left til I either get an internal transfer or am out the door at my job. I'm starting to really like the idea of the redundancy payout since it'll make our leaking roof happy. Now that I think of it, with the roof repair I should have nice new deck in time for spring, which sounds nice.
I've finally gotten a job interview that's not an internal transfer. It's just phone interview, but it means things are looking a bit up. I should be able to get something before summer at least.
The things people want... I've had to put together a bloody portfolio for one place. I've not had one of those since I was an undergrad. Which is almost the age of the work I can show. "How can I show you a representative sample of recent work if it's all IP owned by your direct competitor?" -- at least they were understanding about that, which bodes well for them as an employer.