Jan 30, 2006 10:50
I had the coolest dream last night. I am going to write it down so I don't forget.
I dreamt that I went to an employee meeting at work and when I got there I discovered that I was fired. I was extremely upset. After the meeting, I stormed around Old Town and thought of ways to tell off my (ex) boss. Finally, I decided I'd go inside and tell Delora (my boss) where to get off. I went inside with my brother and looked for Delora. Instead, there was an older Jamacian woman behind the counter with her young daughter.
"Where's Delora?" i asked.
"Who's Delora, childe?" she asked me.
After conversing, I noticed that all of Bon Boniere was decorated like a Jamacian food shop. Wait a second, I thought.
"What year is it?" i asked.
"It' 2021, childe."
My brother and I had just gone 15 years into the future.
The rest of the dream consisted of me finding out that all the political parties had changed into the Liberals, the Hardcore, the Blockbusters and another one I can't remember. Though they all had different names, each was completely corrupt and extremely conservative. I also discovered that Wolf Blitzer, the newscaster, had died but came out of the closet before he did so. Cancer had been all but cured by a simple pill and the sequel to Batman Begins sucked because it was all about motocross.
It seems that my dad was depressed when my brother and I disappeared so he kept himself busy by buying countless DVD's. He was happy to see us but not extremely excited, which was odd. I also found out that Logan's little sister Tessa, had become a doctor but was dating an mental ward patient. Logan's littler brother was extremely successful as well.
Unfortunately, a lot of my friends were dead. The future was dark and gross. Everything was broken down and tired, much like the future in Back to The Future 2. There was an overwhelming feeling of sadness and hopelessness in the future. Buildings were broken and torn, everything was worn out.
The end of the dream was me riding my bike to Robin's new house. I never did get to find out how things turned out for her.
It was easily one of my favorite dreams. I swear to God though, if the next Batman movie is about motocross, I'll be pissed.