May 16, 2006 20:27
Seriously. God and Christ are such amazing people.
They still love you after all the horrible things you've said about them and the church they are the foundation of. The one that I firmly believe in.
Get over yourself and do some research.
Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ARE Christians. We are not demonic or satanic in the least! We believe in our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. We believe that Christ died for our sins and believing in Him, following His ways, and trusting in Him is the only way back to Him. We must rely on Christ and His atonement in order to live with Christ again.
The LDS church is in no way satanic or anything of that sort. We are Christians. I mean, holy mackeral....Jesus Christ is in the name of our church...
The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints.
It's ridiculous some of the things people will say about us. Absolutely ridiculous.
"You profess to be christian but yet you attack other peoples religion, instead of showing love and respect for your fellow man. That doesnt sound very christian to me." -Some girl said this in a comment to you. And she's exactly right.
Get your facts straight before trying to bash us. Because if you knew what you were talking'd have absoultely no reason to bash us, because you'd know what is really going on.
Golly, I can't believe some people.
Please everyone....tell me you don't believe that members of the LDS church are satanic...and that you believe that we ARE in fact Christians.
Please...for me.
I love you guys so much for not criticizing me without knowing first. And for actually asking me instead of just blabbing about the things you don't know. You ask me or go to or and find out. Because those are the 2 places I know you will find the REAL TRUTH of what we believe. Not some crap just saying we are bad, satanic, deceptive people.
I love you babe.
Lynnette :)