May 15, 2006 21:43
Just for everyone's information. I am not part of a cult.
Just thought I'd clear that up, to make sure there were no misconceptions.
I am Mormon. I'm very proud of it. At first I was Mormon because my family was, then I decided to take things into my own hands and find out what I thought about the church. I read and studied and prayed and asked for a long time. And it came to me that it was all true. Not a thing about this church is untrue.
It's not right to bash everyone else's religion. I think people bash Mormons and our beliefs because they are scared to know what we really believe. They don't know anything about us and just don't know what else to do but bash us. Well, I don't mind...we're given free agency to choose our thoughts and actions...which is one thing that we are taught in our church. We were given the gift of choice before we ever even CAME to Earth. It's truly amazing.
THIS is amazing. The feelings I get when I'm at church and seminary and EFY and youth conference and firesides. Really, there's nothing better. This is tried and true, and I love it. Everything about it.
There's a simple truth to it. Simply, the fact that it IS true.
Seminary is over now. And it deeply saddens me. Although it was hard for me to stay awake sometimes, I loved it. I felt the gospel's truthfulness every single day. And not only when studying the Book of Mormon, but the Bible as well. Of course! It's the Bible!!! How the church STARTED!!! The Book of Mormon and the Bible are partners in being a witness to Christ and His love and teachings.
I wish.
Wow. I wish so many things for you and for everyone in the world.
I wish you could feel the way I feel about this. I know some of you do. But I wish there was a way to let all my friends in of this feeling. Knowing you're doing the right thing...always. Having no doubts. Getting stronger everyday. Knowing that what you are reading really's not just stories. True events and happenings that changed history and made things the way they are now. Things that teach us of Christ and our forefathers.
Imagine this...
You are a prophet of God. You are told to prophesy to the people of repentance so they are not destroyed. But no one listens and they all seek after your life to kill you. So you go and hide...and live in the cavity of a rock so they cannot find you. You stay there in the day and while you are there, many many numerous wars break out. All day you stay there and at night you go and see the destruction of the people. For FOUR YEARS you stay in the cavity of that rock because you know the people will kill you if you return. Four years. Eventually, the wicked king Coriantumr realizes that TWO MILLION people have been killed in these wars. PLUS their wives and children...which makes it much much more than two million. Think of it...two million. People just lying everywhere. Dead. With their families. Dead. And the king repents because the prophets foretold of this. They prophecied of this happening.
Truly, amazing.
I love this church more than anything. Nothing comes between me and my religion. Which once again...I must change some of my ways. I must change. I want to change. For myself. I'm using MY free angency to choose to change. MY change. For ME.
And even though you've said those horrible things about us. Christ still loves you. Now, THAT is amazing. I need to learn how to do that. I'll start by just saying I love you. I love you.
I love you.
Lynnette :)