YAY FOR BOBBY AND KITTY!!! Oh, I can tell that I love this community already. *nods* Anyways, I've posted this a few places already, but since it is Bobby/Kitty, it deserves to be posted here, I should think! Oh the love I have for these two...at first I thought it was born primarily from my love for Kitty (no matter what medium, comics, evo, etc., I love that girl), but there really is something fantastic between them. Anyway, enough with my rant, and onto the fic! :)
(Tentative) Title: Reborn
Fandom: X-Men
Characters/Pairings: Bobby/Kitty, a hint of Logan/Marie
Canon: Takes place after X3, after the cure has stopped working. Or, at least this is my half-hearted attempt at explaining why Rogue is wearing gloves.
Word Count: 500
Rating: PG-13
Archiving: This can be archived anywhere! Just drop me a line and tell me first, please.
Summary: After days in the infirmary following a particularly hazardous mission, Kitty reopens her eyes.
Author's Notes: This is meant to be part of something larger, and oneday it might be. For now, it's a short, hopefully sweet look at Kitty, her friendship with Rogue, her soon-to-be (maybe) relationship with Bobby, and...I don't even know, really. Enjoy!
"Color becomes shapes, shapes become lines, lines define objects."