Jul 30, 2004 09:46
To take on a lighter note and to go back to the old swing of my journals, here are some story Ideas I thought up.
1. In a world of blackness, creatures roam, unseen by humans and unable to feed on unmarked souls.
What would I do with this? Well, I'd glamour it up a bit.
The sun has been blackened by the hatred of humanity, and this hatred has churned off un-dead creatures who are only able to feed off the blood and souls of those marked by the Shaman.
Only a young child, unmarked and innocent, can defeat them.
2. Girls enroll in an all-male division of the army to prove themselves equal.
For me, I'd make it three girls. One a trendy girl, one a tomboy, and the other a feminist. The all-male division is a mecha-suit based one that works off the psychic energy as emitted by the male brain. Somehow, these girls have it too, but they're a rare case.