Jul 02, 2004 23:52
Wow ok I totally had this AMAZING live journal that I did last night, but of course my computadora deleted it as always! AGHHHH I hate it! The computer geeks come out next week to fix it which is a good thing considering that we can't even really use AIM anymore. Def rocking my sister's computer right now...
A lot's been happening lately and I really really miss seeing people. Considering the fact that so many people are out of town it's kinda hard to get together. And not O-Town getting together (Friesen's mom!!) Ehhh summer school blows as usual. But at least I'm getting Consumer over with. Oh yea and we have a totally amazing class though. Check it, Amy, Maria, Cindy, Whitney, Balooooo, Tawni and a bunch of other people are in it! Holy Shit we have some of the greatest times in that class! .:Hah Neighbor Dan has a vagina...aka a Vag:. MmMm yes he does, but at least he can throw swingin' parties! Man some good times in that class most def [Using the hand shake Amy!] Ok I'm done...
Like I said before a lot of stuff has been going on. On Tuesday at 1:25 my grandpa died. He'd been sick for a while, but really started declining in the past six months. I didn't really talk about it with a whole lot of people, but all I can say now is that I'm glad that he isn't in pain anymore. He had parkinsons and dimensia which is azlheimers only I can actually spell it. The medication he was taking told his brain not to eat so as of Tuesday, he hadn't eaten in 7 1/2 weeks. It was really really hard watching him deteriorate like he had. I was really trying to be strong for my mom, her sisters, and especially for my grandma. My grandma was soo great throughout this whole thing and has been by my grandpa's side every single day since he's been sick. Like my mom said, WE ALL WITNESSED A TRUE LOVE STORY OVER THE PAST TWO YEARS, but they were having a difficult time dealing with everything and I was trying to always put everything on a positive note. I mean I really was trying, but at the funeral yesterday I just lost it. Some how seeing him for the last time was really painful. Out of all the grandchildren, I knew him the best and we had a lot of memories together. I just let my emotions go because I couldn't hold them in any longer. My sister was awesome and she supported me throughout the whole mass. She's amazing. I was also really touched at how many people showed up at the wake on Wednesday. There had to be over 500 people that showed up. Not even joking. It was amazing. I had at that time told only two friends about my grandpa's death and they were both there to support me. I was doing great up until then, but then yesterday was a whole different story. But right now I'm doing well and actually feeling at peace knowing that he's probably up in Heaven right now competing over the best lakes and bait for his fishing rods. Haha he was such an amazing guy. I'm really gonna miss him...
Ok well I just had to get that out and now that I'm feeling a little more relaxed, I think it's time that I tell you about my little shithead cousin. Ok so he's not exactly little in fact he's going to be a sophomore next year which makes this story even more disturbing. So we had the wake on Wednesday because the way it would have normally worked out, the wake would have been Thursday and the Funeral would have been today (Friday). However, today is my grandparent's 55th wedding anniversary and she didn't want to remember it as the day that she buried her husband. So anyways back to my story from the wake. My cousin's name is Richie and one of his friend's named Bob came to the wake on Wednesday with his mom and his little brother Gage. --> Don't even get me started on the name <-- During the course of the time they were at the wake, Richie, Bob, and Gage started to chase each other around the funeral home. Not a good idea. My grandma got so pissed that she threatened to kick his ass in front of the whole room. He was all like ummm ok. And this is coming from a guy whole never even talked to people on Wednesday because he was too entranced by his Sega Nintendo thing or whatever and didn't bother to meet with anyone. So my brother and I decide to go down to the basement where there was a bunch of food and we caught them chucking tomatoes and pieces of cookies at the walls and grinding stuff into the carpet. Yea and tomatoes were definately stuck to the wall just as an FYI. Before they saw us we totally went to get my grandma, his mom, my mom, and my other aunt. Most def wished I had had a camera! They were throwing a conipition and we were so glad we busted him. I mean how much of a dumb fuck can you be to be acting like that at your grandpa's wake? What a bunch of fuckers! Haha so they were pretty pissed and I loved it when my mom was like, " You'd better run you little bastard because I am gonna take you down.." Oh man I was pissing in my pants at this point. And then later, Richie decided to threaten to pound me into the ground and I was like let's go bitch especially because he's three times my size and I've totally kicked his ass before in front of all my relatives. Ya this coming from the kid who tried to set my house on fire and trip my grandpa all at the same party... What a fucker.
Moving on *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*
Going back a little bit, but two weeks ago Cindy and I most def went to see Los Chicos de Blancos... Mmmm yes! I especially loved it because we got dropped off at the Old Navy across from Deer Park because I wanted to buy some more flipper floppers. Def a lot of fun trying to cross Rand Road... Here's how the convo went
Cindy: Shit O'Brien we're not gonna make it across
Me: Ehh this is nothing... We just gotta wait until the lights turn red and then it will be just glorious...
[Finally crossing Rand after like 5 min of waiting]
Cindy: Oh man Oh man Oh man
Me: Shit mother fucker move your fucking lard ass you freakin' bastard... We're about to get our asses smashed but some fuck heads
So much for staying calm O'Brien... But I love ya Freezin'! Oh yea and there were definately games involved..Oh wait did I mention FREE GAMES and FIFTY CENT HOT DOGS? We got two not including all the shit we had had at school. Way to go Fatty Friesen and Obese O'Brien. Ya gotta love it
And that night I was going to go out with my brother, his girlfriend Christine, and her sister Caroline. DODGEBALL -- If you can dodge wrenches, you can dodge balls. Haha so we were supposed to go to like an 8:00 movie and then get ice cream and stuff after, but total change of plans. We ended up going to dinner at 8 at some Mexican restaurant and they totally had a mariachi band with Really Really Really tight pants. Psshhhh yea. And then my brother and his girlfriend tried to order us margaritas but that didn't really work even though we ended up having like six of them. We were a little tipsy, but it was all good... Hmm can't really remember a whole lot from that night. But I know it was fun!
Switching back to present day *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*
I'm muy excited for the Fourth of July this weekend!! I mean I don't think anyone quite understands how much I love it. To give you a comparison, I love it more that Christmas... Yes it's true. We usually throw this huge bash, but seeing how things went this week, it's kinda down to party status as of right now. It's all good though and I'm really looking forward to it!!
Well that's all she wrote. I'm Caitlin O'Brien and that's the update on my life.. Tryin' to be all Anchorman and shit.. Hmmm not working!
Countdown to Anchorman: 7 days!