The Tao Is Tao (25) - Daily Tao

May 26, 2016 19:29


The intelligent
                                 win arguments
                                      and lose.
                                    The foolish
                                 lose arguments
                                      and sulk.
                                     The wise
                                refuse to argue
                                      and gain.
                          The person close to Tao
                                 does not argue
                    because she has nothing to say.

--Jos Stabbert.

Also posted to daily_tao The Tao Is Tao (25) - Daily Tao

Something is amiss imoppo
The ignorant are divided from the intelligent,
who are divided from the wise,
who are divided from the people close to Tao.

A dyad tends toward equality,
the benefits of intimacy
must be weight against
the benefits of differential power.
If other factors do not intervene,
intimacy trumps power.

Perhaps the ignorant person
and the sage
will find a relationship that
enlightens the ignorant
and humbles the sage

As in Rumi's Moses and the shepherd
where Moses' criticism
of the shepherds ignorance
caused (with the help of Allah)
a quantum leap in the shepherd's wisdom,

But when we triage or worse
we inevitably create hierarchy and inequality,
two very unTaoist outcomes
If Lao Tse is taken at his word.

Sagacity and wisdom are synonyms.
So why would a Taoist distinguish between them.
Is it because the wise people
of other cultures, religions, philosophies, traditions
are inherently less wise than the Taoist sage?.

That is not  why i love philosphical Taoism!

equality, taoism, gnosis and agnosis, wisdom

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