Tao Te Ching Meditation - Chapter 17: A Great Leader Does Not Lead

Jan 20, 2013 09:12


17.1 Very great leaders in their domains are only known to exist.
       Those next best are loved and praised.
       The lesser are feared and despised.
17.2 Therefore when faith is insufficient
       and there is disbelief,
17.3 it is from the high value placed on words.
       Works are accomplished, tasks are completed,
       and ordinary folk all say
       they are acting spontaneously.

Tao Teh Ching - Cleary Translation


The reason people say: "we did it?" with great leadership and no unnecessary talk is because "they did it."

Real "leadership," allows things that happen to happen without the "leader's" interference.  It was our task to enjoy creation, not to improve on it.

The beginnings of political science came when Machiavelli insisted that leaders should be feared rather than loved.
He read the Tao of leadership exactly assbackwards.  Perhaps that is one reason politics is so often such a mess.

If i am advised to "stay out of my own way." it seems reasonable that i should stay out of others' ways as well.

God is Great and God is Unknown; so why should leaders suppose that their good leadership involves being known? .


Holy Loving: Help me to appreciate creation more and interfere less.  Amen.


leadership, taoism, love, meditation, tao te ching

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