bored out of my friggin mind....

Feb 25, 2004 21:51

Let me tell you what I did today....

I got up... came to the computer.... after a little while... i went upstairs to play on my guitar

a little while later, back downstairs and back on the computer.....

then it was back upstairs to play on my guitar and bass... did that for about another hour

... then it's back downstairs to sit in front of the computer..... about 40 minutes,

then i went back upstairs to hit up my guitar again........ only about 20 minutes, though

as i went back downstairs to hop back onto the computer... mostly looking for tabs...

got the tabs... and..... went upstairs to play on my guitar and bass.........

and then..... went back downstairs to..... get back on the computer....

ok, so now it's lunchtime..... what do i do... actually, i drive with bopha down to subway.. snag a sub... drop her back off.. go home and watch monty python and the holy grail by myself... .... so after that's over....

I hop onto the computer.... that got boring after an hour, so...

waltzed upstairs to jam on my guitar and bass again.... my fingers began to hurt after another half hour so i stopped that....

and waltzed downstairs and took my friendly seat at the computer..... this time i didn't leave for about an hour and a half.. but when everyone else left or had an away message....

back upstairs... slappin and strummin.... by now, i'm starting to form blisters...

so i go back down and i'm on the computer again... had an in-depth conversation with Bopha about how so fucking BORED we both were... like, that's almost all we talked about... I wanted to go upstairs to play bass, but the nearly popped blister on my index finger advised against it so i didn't.....

oh my god, this was one of the most boring days I've ever lived through.... tomorrow isn't forecasted to be any better.... it looks like another computer/guitar day again.... god, i swear i will mentally crack if tomorrow is no different than today... i don't know if i could take it.....

but at least today was somewhat productive.. i learned 3 different songs on guitar...... fuck, mastered one of them, i played it so damn much today....

bored, computer, guitar, murrrr

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